My mill was originally fitted with a hall effect sensor under the spindle, see attached image. It's not packaged into what I think of as a sensor, it has a few components soldered onto a small board, most notable a pair of transistors which lie underneath the magnet. Originally this was used to detect spindle speed and for tool change positioning. I connected 5V and made some measurements--when the magnet passes over each transistor the voltage from Out1 and Out2 successively drops to 0V, and each of the LED's lights.
My question is, can I utilize this sensor to interface with UCCNC to get the same original usage (spindle speed and ATC positioning)? Not knowing much about this I don't know whether it would connect directly to the spindle encoder inputs or if I would need some auxiliary component in between. Ideally I would also like to utilize this for rigid tapping; I never got a clear idea whether the OEM setup had rigid tapping or not.