Hi Dan,
It's up to you what you return from the informplugin function and how you handle the returned value in the caller macro or plugin.
If you don't want to raturn anything then you can return null and you do not even have to handle it in the caller function.
The idea behind the return object is that you could send any type of data to a plugin and it can use that data and can return another data.
For example you can send a string like:
string mydata = "hey!";
exec.Informplugin("myplugin.dll", (object)mydata);
And in the receiver plugin you can do a return null.
Or you can return another object if needed like: return (object)newdata;
And then you can test the return type in the caller function with:
object newdata = exec.Informplugin("myplugin.dll", (object)mydata);
if (newdata is string)
string returnedstring = newdata as string;
//Do something with the string...
This was ofcourse just an example when the data object is string type, but it could be other types too. This is why we used the generic object type as parameter and as return types, because this way you are not limited in what object type you sending and returning.