I have a gantry router that is stepper driven. I built it a few years ago to do a specific job for a customer and it served that purpose just fine. Unfortunately the work for that machine has dried up so I'm trying to use it for some of the smaller patterns I do. When it's cutting G2/G3 arcs there is a noticeable shake along with a choppy cut. I use a waterline profiling strategy with a .005" step down and the chop lines up the whole way down the piece so it's not intermittent or random. It's like it's stuttering when it tries to do combined XY moves.
The router is rack and pinion drive with X and A slaved. I have all of the axis acceleration settings the same. I'm attaching the .PRO. I would really appreciate it if someone could take a look at it and see if there are any glaring errors in my setup. I'm not well versed on stepper setups. The drives and power supply came from CNCrouterparts and was one of their NEMA23 4 motor plug and play stepper kits.