XBox 360 plugin update

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Re: XBox 360 plugin update

Postby benny_ds » Tue Feb 06, 2018 7:02 pm

the PS3 controller seems to work perfectly.
Every button works except for the 2 push buttons of the joysticks. But I don't think they would be useful anyway.

Question. Is there a reason why it is not possible to make a combination half speed/full speed and trigger activation for jogging?

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Re: XBox 360 plugin update

Postby robertk925 » Sun May 20, 2018 1:17 am

Has anyone been able to get Eric's XBox360 controller plug-in (Xboxcontroller.dll) to load in 1.2104? I just upgraded from 1.2047 and now I can't get the plug-in to appear. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling all the various versions of Slim DX but none of them seem to work. Thanks!
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Re: XBox 360 plugin update

Postby cncdrive » Sun May 20, 2018 1:46 am

I've just tried to load the plugin to check if it loads here and it is not.
I debugged why it is not loading and the problem is that the plugin generates a System.BadImageFormatException which happens when a 64bit application tries to load a 32bit dll and when a 32bit application tries to load a 64bit dll.
The problem is likely that the plugin was compiled with 32bits target and these new UCCNC versions are compiled with AnyCPU target which means that the UCCNC runs in 32bits mode on 32bits Windows and in 64bits mode on 64bits Windows.
Since the plugin is not running on my 64bits Windows I assume that it was compiled with 32bits target and then it will not run with the new AnyCPU compiled UCCNC versions on 64bits Windows, only on 32bits Windows.
Eric will have to recompile the plugin with changing the target to AnyCPU and then it will run on both 32 and 64bits Windows with the new UCCNC versions.
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Re: XBox 360 plugin update

Postby robertk925 » Sun May 20, 2018 5:50 am

Thank you very much for checking on this, I really appreciate it (especially since the plug-in is not yours). Hopefully Eric can find some time in the future to recompile his very useful plugin. :)
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Re: XBox 360 plugin update

Postby eabrust » Mon May 21, 2018 2:40 am

Hi there,

Thanks for the reminder/hint to recompile, I had done it a while ago, and uploading it slipped my mind. :oops:

SlimDX will likely need to be reinstalled with x64 version, and when you add the new xboxcontroller-1.0010.dll file into plugin directory, be sure to remove the old version.

I made some additional changes to try an improve the response behavior at initial stick movements, and got rid of calculating velocity with 'diagonal' movements of the sticks. If there was a way to set separate x and y velocities during a jog, I would add back in.

Please let me know if anything doesn't seem to work correctly.

XBoxPlugin-CraftyCNC v1.0010 -
XBox controller plugin updated for 'Any CPU'
(62.51 KiB) Downloaded 1237 times
CraftyCNC: Plugins for UCCNC (and other neat stuff):
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Re: XBox 360 plugin update

Postby cncdrive » Mon May 21, 2018 11:24 am

Hi Eric,

Thank you, I appritiate it.
I'm sure many users will also appritiate getting the update.
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Re: XBox 360 plugin update

Postby robertk925 » Mon May 21, 2018 4:30 pm

Wow, thank you Eric! I will try this tonight. I am so happy I made the switch from Mach3 to UCCNC, great developer support AND great user support.
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Re: XBox 360 plugin update

Postby robertk925 » Tue May 22, 2018 3:11 am

I tested out the new XBox controller plugin and the 64bit version of SlimDX and it works like a dream. Amazing, responsive control using the analog joysticks makes this a joy to use. Thanks again!
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Re: XBox 360 plugin update

Postby Demusman » Thu Jun 21, 2018 6:36 pm

Is there any way of defaulting the button assignments?
If not, can anyone tell me what the default is?
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Re: XBox 360 plugin update

Postby robertk925 » Sun Jun 24, 2018 1:42 pm


1. Are you asking what the default button assignments are supposed to be?
If I remember correctly most of the buttons are not assigned, you need to assign them by looking up the button codes (by hitting the see "button codes" help file button). I can send you the button assignments that I used when I get to my CNC machine later today if you like.

2. Or are you asking how to save button assignments that you made?
The "save settings" button should save the button assignments that you made.
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