I agree 1000 %
IF UCCNC will warn me of a gouge I can fix.
This is good statement, because it points out the fact that if the software would know when a gouging happens then action could be taken, but for that it has to know when it happens.
So, if the software could detect these cases then it is likely that we could figue out an extension algorithm to the basic algorithm to not let the gouging to happen.
But for this the task is to determinate the condition when gouging happens.
The condition should be very precisely defined, because if the condition is not precise then the extension code which would fix the gouging will hurt other cases when gouging not happens, the wrong condition will make the software think it happens and so it will hurt other cases when it would try to correct when there is nothing to correct.
So, the first task is to determinate very precisely when exactly the gouging happens, and then that could be used as a condition check which if mets then correction code could run to avoid creating it.
I'm not saying yet if it is possible or not, because it may be not possible to do this is the condition can't be distiungish from other cases, but if the cases can be determinated clearly then I see a chance that additional correction code could be used to fix it.