Battwell wrote:these settings work with ecogoo9100 to set frequency only
i still cant work out how to get it to run- as nothing in the manual! ive spent way too long on it!
frequency source parameter p0.01 must be left at use keypad (0) not communication settings (7)
The attachment dan911-plugin-ecogoo 9100.jpg is no longer available
Since your able to communicate with The "RPM Only" setting that's a sure sign that it use's the Modbus protocol. The RPM Only setting in ModbusEZ sends a Modbus function code(6) holding register. To try and determine the correct register for on/off without help/info from the manufacturer would be nearly impossible. They shouldn't be advertising Modbus as a feature if they don't supply this info IMO.
I see from your pic you posted you are using a older version of ModbusEZ. When I first written this plugin it was a lot of copy/paste from the HYplugin than edited, probably why so many different versions. Fixes as I went.
I rewritten this plugin from the ground up, fortunately this time I had two local buddies with different VFD's (Hitachi, Delta) testing and didn't have to wait for anyone to download and report a problem. They been using daily for over a week so I just sent them the final version with the read implemented back in so want to give them at least week of use/testing before uploading on Zone.
I strongly suggest you switch versions since I was a lot more knowledgably with C# and Modbus this second time around.
Following what you posted you will need to checkbox for frequency resolution 0.01HZ. I left the "Amp Display Setup" header since IMO is the only useful register worth reading, but can be used to read any holding register.