Macro_capability_detailed.htm - suggested corrections

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Re: Macro_capability_detailed.htm - suggested corrections

Postby Robertspark » Fri Sep 30, 2016 8:41 pm

TP, I see that there are difference fanuc variables based upon the respective series (hence I guess there is a bit of margin for not knowing the right series to choose)

I showing my inexperience don't use #vars, but I'm guessing if you did, you could easily use a macropump to pass the various values out from uccnc fields into the vars (at 20hz) and that would then allow you to use them (maybe a bit quicker via plugin?) How fast do you really need them updated?
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Re: Macro_capability_detailed.htm - suggested corrections

Postby Robertspark » Sat Oct 01, 2016 10:02 am

The manual I created.... + UCCNC Help screen (g-codes)

I am a perfectionist a little and I'm going through the manual to correct some of the termanology and make it a little more readable

should it not read "threading" and "thread" and not "tapping" + "tap"
... you can use a tap for an internal tread, and a die for an external thread, but for a machine you cut a thread with a threading tool? (am I wrong)?
2016-10-01 10_58_44-UCCNC software _ Running in demo mode....png
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Re: Macro_capability_detailed.htm - suggested corrections

Postby ger21 » Sat Oct 01, 2016 10:47 am

Yes, I believe so.
Rigid tapping is done with a tap, with the spindle synced to the Z axis. It is internal threads only.
Note: I'm not a machinist, and have never run a mill. :D
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Re: Macro_capability_detailed.htm - suggested corrections

Postby Robertspark » Sat Oct 01, 2016 8:30 pm

Thanks for taking the time with the nomenclature, I'll leave it as it is
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Re: Macro_capability_detailed.htm - suggested corrections

Postby ger21 » Fri Oct 07, 2016 10:41 am

A couple other undocumented? functions:

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Re: Macro_capability_detailed.htm - suggested corrections

Postby Robertspark » Fri Oct 07, 2016 10:44 am

NOTE, these are not finished..... but here is a few more for the screensets...... I'e not had the variables confirmed by cncdrive.... hence when they are confirmed they will be in the manual.

Function: void Addtoolpath( int posX, int posY, int width,
int height, int layernumber);
Description: This function adds a toolpath object.
• The posX and posY define the top-left corner position of the toolpath, and are in pixels.
• The width and height define the dimensions of the toolpath, and are in pixels.
• The layernumber is the number of the tab layer the toolpath will appear on.
Example: AS3.Addtoolpath(80, 39, 372, 306, 2);

Function: void AddUCCAM(int posX, int posY, int width,
int UCCAMnumber, int layernumber)
Description: This function adds a UCCAM object to the screenset. A UCCAM object is basically a window which allows you to display a DXF file within to allow you to view & generate toolpath operations (as shown on the CAM tab).
• The posX and posY define the top-left corner position of the UCCAM object, and are in pixels.
• The width and height define the dimensions of the UCCAM object, and are in pixels.
• The UCCAMnumber is the identifier of the UCCAM object.
• The layernumber is the number of the tab layer the UCCAM object will appear on.
Example: AS3.AddUCCAM(48, 46, 468, 468, 1, 45);

Function: void Addcombobox( int posX, int posY, int width, int fontsize, int fontcolor, 3, int comboboxnumber , int layernumber )
• The posX and posY define the top-left corner position of the combobox object, and are in pixels.
• The width defines the dimensions of the combobox object, and is in pixels.
• The fontcolor is the color of the font in integer format of the RGB color code.
• The fontsize defines the size of the font used to render the field text.

• The comboboxnumber is the unique identifier of the combobox object.
• The layernumber is the number of the tab layer the combobox object will appear on.
Example: AS3.Addcombobox(532, 126, 130, 16, -16777216, 3, 11, 45);

Function: void Addcomboboxitem(string value, int comboboxnumber )
Description: This function adds a value to a combo box.
• The value defines the string to be added to the combobox.
• The comboboxnumber is the unique identifier of the combobox object.
Example: AS3.Addcomboboxitem("Spiral drill", 11);

Function: void Validatenewcomboboxitems( int comboboxnumber )
Description: This function validates the items added to a combo box, it is called after all Addcomboboxitem functions have been called to add items to the combobox with the same unique comboboxnumber.
• The comboboxnumber is the unique identifier of the combobox object.
Example: AS3.Validatenewcomboboxitems(11);

Function: void Clearcomboboxitems( int comboboxnumber )
Description: This function clears all items from a combo box.
• The comboboxnumber is the unique identifier of the combobox object.
Example: AS3.Clearcomboboxitems(11);

Function: void Updatecomboboxselection( int index, int comboboxnumber )
Description: This function updates the combo box and sets focus on the index item (starting at index zero (0) ).
• The index is the item number in the list to be selected at screen load.
• The comboboxnumber is the unique identifier of the combobox object.
Example: AS3.Updatecomboboxselection(0,11);

Function: void Addcodeview ( string labeltext, string labelfont,
string textalign, int fontsize, int fontcolor, int posX, int posY,
int codeviewwidth, int codeviewheight, int layernumber )
Description: This function provides a g-code viewing window box.
• labeltext defines the text string title of the codeview control.
• labelfont defines the font type used to render the text in the control
• textalign defines the text inside the control's field.
• fontsize defines the size of the font in pixels.
• fontcolor defines the RGB color code in integer format.
• posX and posY defines the top-left corner position of the codeview control.
• codeviewwidth and codeviewheight define the width and height of the codeview control.
• layernumber defines which layer the codeview control will appear on.
Example: AS3.Addcodeview("", "Arial", "left", 18, -1, 42, 350, 387, 339, 2);

Function: void AS3.Addlist( string labelfont, string textalign, int fontsize, int fontcolor, int posX, int posY, int listboxwidth, int listboxheight, int listboxnumber, int layernumber )
Description: This function adds a list box to the screenset.
• labelfont defines the font type used to render the text in the control
• textalign defines the text inside the control's field.
• fontsize defines the size of the font in pixels.
• fontcolor defines the RGB color code in integer format.
• posX and posY defines the top-left corner position of the listbox control.
• listboxwidth and listboxheight define the width and height of the listbox control.
• listboxnumber is the identifier of the listbox object.
• layernumber defines which layer the listbox control will appear on.
Example: AS3.Addlist("Arial", "left", 14, -16777216, 457, 520, 292, 136, 2, 2);

AS3.Addlabel(" ", "Arial", "left", 16, -16777216, 214, 602, 13);
AS3.Addfill(-8355712, 30, 52, 878, 700, 0.35, 1, 4);

AS3.Addcolorpick(570, 168, 26, 26, 1, 10);

AS3.Setscreensize(1024, 692);
AS3jog.Setscreensize(300, 692);
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Re: Macro_capability_detailed.htm - suggested corrections

Postby Robertspark » Fri Oct 07, 2016 10:56 am

NOTE, these are not finished..... but here is a few more for the screensets...... I'e not had the variables confirmed by cncdrive.... hence when they are confirmed they will be in the manual.

<><><><><> ADDED the two Gerry provided, thanks, with my "best guess" .... I'll test them over the weekend (not sure about the getcheckboxstate() return bool?

Function: void Setcheckboxstate( bool state , int boxnumber )
Description: This function sets the state of a checkbox
• state defines the checkbox state to be set (true / false)
• boxnumber is the unique identifier of the checkbox control. The checkboxes numbers and their meaning are listed and described elsewhere in this document.
Example: AS3.Setcheckboxstate(true,10);

Function: bool Getcheckboxstate( int boxnumber )
Description: This function returns the state of a checkbox (true / false)
• boxnumber is the unique identifier of the checkbox control. The checkboxes numbers and their meaning are listed and described elsewhere in this document.
Example: AS3.Getcheckboxstate(10);
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Re: Macro_capability_detailed.htm - suggested corrections

Postby ger21 » Fri Oct 07, 2016 11:38 am

ADDED the two Gerry provided, thanks,

Actually provided by Terry, I just passed them along... :D
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Re: Macro_capability_detailed.htm - suggested corrections

Postby Robertspark » Fri Oct 07, 2016 12:26 pm

Thanks anyway Gerry for posting them here (it reminded me of them)

If anyone wants anything else added, please let me know.

Update on where its at:

At the moment I'm adding things (functions) to the manual as they are found, but I'd like them confirmed by cncdrive as I don't want to supersede any of their information or have conflicting information as it with just lead to ambiguity (hence everything in the manual that I've added or edited is highlighted yellow) Hence I'm not planning on issuing an update until this is done.

I'm also trying to ensure that all functions have the same parameters where they align .... i.e • posX and posY defines the top-left corner position of the codeview control. ..... as there were a few that used Xposition & Yposition etc.... those sorts of uniform things.

I started a simple c# supplement / section to be added within the manual [bare bones layout, no formatting really], but have not progressed that in a week as I did feel a bit of a muppet :roll: :lol: :roll: over a switch/case statement and being told one thing that they don't work in macros .... only to be demonstrated something else .... that they do...
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Re: Macro_capability_detailed.htm - suggested corrections

Postby Robertspark » Fri Oct 07, 2016 1:46 pm

Haha, yeah its keeping me out of trouble late at night.

I've got no problem doing it as I'm always learning (more macros and code I create the better I get at it), I'd just like comments so the functions are written out correctly and there is little miss-information (there is enough of that on the internet without me adding to it).

I'm going to have a look at the plugin this weekend to see what functions are listed in there, no doubt there may be some undocumented possibly.... but that also helps by providing the parameters and their datatypes via tooltip .... so I do have a idea :idea:

I'd rather have cncdrive developing uccnc than creating manuals too ;)

Impressed by your conversational wizard screens (fancy having a go at one of them at some point)
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