I tested the plugin and macroloop, and it works as expected, activating the K1 relay with the button, while UCCNC was in Reset. I have some video I can upload later.
Now, I'm not using the OSSD circuit on my UB1, and I'm not going to start soldering my board to test this.
Chris, if you want to test it like I did, change this line in the macroloop from 471 to 500.
- Code: Select all
const int buttonLED = 500; // LED to store required state
And change these lines from port 2 and pin 2 to 1 and 1.
- Code: Select all
const int relayPort = 1; // Port number of relay
const int relayPin = 1; // Pin number of relay
Then make your button number 5500.
When you click the button, the LED should light up, and the relay will activate.
Be sure to enable the plugin, and the macropump, and restart UCCNC.