HDBB2 repair?

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HDBB2 repair?

Postby berkenboom » Tue Oct 31, 2017 7:28 pm

i am busy installing a HDBB2 board into my machine, but something went wrong.When i had the power on one component decided to go full jihad and blow itself up. I am still uncertain how many lives he took with him. i still need to test the uc400eth and by leadshine hybrid servo driver.

But i do know that something in the power input broke. Can i replace that component? or can it be ommitted?
what use does it have?
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Re: HDBB2 repair?

Postby cncdrive » Wed Nov 01, 2017 12:51 am

That part is a 0603 size 2Amps ferrite bead.
It also surpresses noise, but the main purpose of it in this circuit is to fuse out if too high current is flowing into the circuit, so the internal circuit and parts will not blow up.
The type number of the ferrite bead is CB03YTYH151 : https://lomex.hu/pdf/(vik)_cb.pdf

If more than 2Amps is going into the circuit via the power supply + input for some time then this part burns/fuses out.

So, the question is if something was just temporarily overloaded, e.g. an output was shorted out and that caused the ferrite bead to burn out or if it burned out because something else damaged on the HDBB2 which is now in short circuit.
The board can work without this ferrite bead (removed and 2 pads bridged with a wire), but if something is in short circuit on the board then that may burn out other things on the board if you will repower the circuit with the ferrite bead fused, because then there will be nothing which will fuse, but the weakest link will fuse which may be a trace on the board or an IC leg etc.
My advice is to place a bridge in place of the ferrite bead and without anything connected to the board try to measure resistance between the power + and - inputs.
If you see no short on the measurement then try to power up the board, then the chance is very little that there will be a problem.
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Re: HDBB2 repair?

Postby berkenboom » Thu Nov 02, 2017 9:51 pm

Thanks. i bridged the gap on the board, and it seems to work fine. I haven't hooked op any inputs/outputs but the leds are on and the axis can move.
To prevent future short-circuit/over current i installed a regulator/adjustable PSU. I Limited the current to 0.35A. as HDBB2+UC400ETH together seem to draw only 0.25A

I am still busy wiring the machine, ill post some pics when its up and running :)
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Re: HDBB2 repair?

Postby cncdrive » Thu Nov 02, 2017 9:56 pm

OK, good to hear you seems to got it solved.
The current limiting PSU is a good idea, or a cheap replacable glass fuse can also work great to protect the circuit in overcurrent events.
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Re: HDBB2 repair?

Postby TadasM » Mon Nov 06, 2017 8:32 am

I had the same "burnout", but never tried to power on the board again :roll: (bought new one...)
My HDBB2 was working fine until one day it just happened... And I was there to witness - it got so bright and than just "puffff" + black smoke :D
2016-10-04 14.10.17.png

I shall make an attempt to fix this :)
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Re: HDBB2 repair?

Postby cncdrive » Mon Nov 06, 2017 10:51 am

If the DC output is overloaded and if you have no fuse on the DC input then the mentioned part will be the weakest link in the chain and it will blow like on the picture.
It is the weakest part on purpose, because it is easier to relace this part than to find a burnout track trace, because that is mostly an unfixable issue.
And yes, you can try to same as described previously to fix the issue.
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