The looking ahead stops and decceleration happens to the programmed point on connection angles on the path which are greater than the value you set in the CV settings.
So, to fully enable the setting, so the look ahead will not stop because of the too high conn.angle you set 360, because connection angle on the path can't be greater than 360°, so no stop will happen.
A 360°angle is a full circle, it is for example when one axis completely changing direction while the other axes don't move.
And to fully disable it, so the motion will always deccelerate on all points you set 0°, because every connection angle is greater than 0° on any paths.
You can easily verify this visually with for example this code:
- Code: Select all
G64 G90
G00 X0 Y0 Z0
G1 X0 Y0 F1000
G1 X10 Y0
G1 X10 Y10
G1 X0 Y10
G1 X0 Y0
Then set your X and Y axis accelerations low, e.g. value 50.
And then set the Stop on angle parameter to 0 first and run the g-code and watch the toolpath.
And next set the Stop on angle parameter to 360 and run the g-code and watch the toolpath again.
And set the linear error, the lin.unify lenght, lin. addition lenght and corner max. all to e.g. value 1, so they are great enough for you to see the rounding.
You will see that with Stop at angle 0 value the TCP marker on the toolpath will go out to all endpoints of the square,
and you will see that rounding happens on all endpoints, corners when the Stop at angle value is set to 360.