OK, I understand your point of view about the pendants, but it is too much work for us at the moment which work will basicly never pay off.
The other reason what I did not mentioned and why I think it should be no priority for us to develop a plugin for more chinese pendants,
is because there are alternatives from reputable companies, like:
http://www.vistacnc.com/And we also have a wireless pendant:
http://shop.cncdrive.com/index.php?productID=358And will have a more advanced one soon. (Under development)
The main issue I see with chinese pendants and many other chinese electronics in general is that they don't care about keeping back and/or forward compatibility.
So, what I think is that even if we develop a plugin for this pendant then it will be still only a question of time when they will release a new incompatible version of the same pendant and abandoning the manufacturing and the support (if there ever was any support) for this current version.
There are already several different sub-versions of these kind of pendants and they are not even compatible by interface, so we could easily go into an endless loop if we want to support these type of pendants.
And these companies do not take the time to develop a UCCNC plugin or to even ask us to make one, so why would we support their products?