It seems it is (although the uccnc reset does need to be off!)
Basically, edit the screen, add a button to say over the CNCDrive Logo in the top RHS of the screenset.
Set the button to call the following macro (i.e. save it as M20000.txt to M21999.txt in the profile folder)
Add the attached image file to the Flashscreen >> BMP >> defaultscreenset folder (or whatever other you are running)
The Image is a transparent image.... hence the CNCDrive Logo will still be visible below it (or wherever else you want to plok it)
Add the image to the screenset.
Reference the screenset button object to the defined image.
Save the screenset, Close the screenset editor, and hopefully by clicking in the area of the CNCdrive logo, the user manual will now load in your default PDF viewer....... you may change this to other file types too for other files / sources of reference [start new sheetcam or cad application]?
- Code: Select all
string usermanual = @"\Documentation\UCCNC_usersmanual.pdf";
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(Application.StartupPath + usermanual);