Hi, I am using the UC300ETH board on an M45 motherboard with a C25 breakout board attached. All the outputs are working well and I am successfully controlling 4 motors with those outputs. I hooked up home switches and notice that when I am in the diagnostic screen, no inputs change states when I hit the home sensors even though the leds on the breakout board are turning on and off according to the switch state. I disconnected the switches and just ran direct connections to either ground or +5v on the breakout board, again the leds on the bob indicate that a high or low level is present on the input pins, yet nothing shows on the diagnostic screen. I tried both ports 1 and 2, using inputs 9, 10, 11, 12 and other inputs. All leds on bob show the transitions, but UCCNC does not see any changes. Again, all outputs work properly, this problem is with inputs only. Is there anything I can try to see what is wrong.
Thank you for your help. I am really impressed with UCCNC and will be changing all 7 of my machines over to this from Mach. Just need to get this input thing resolved if possible.
A quick video of my first UCCNC on a multicam machine that I am having the problem with...