ProbeIt for UCCNC

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Re: ProbeIt for UCCNC

Postby eabrust » Fri Oct 06, 2023 11:17 am

Hi Greolt,

All I can add is that testing/video is by a member of the forum here, so I'll let them describe and share it if they wish.

Speaking for just the ProbeIt plugin, as it was used, it is not modified or enabling anything new for features from the current version available for download. I have a number of improvements/fixes suggested from a few users and testers on my to do list to get incorporated for a next update though :)

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Re: ProbeIt for UCCNC

Postby Greolt » Sun Oct 08, 2023 4:32 am


So I assume the user has developed a method to trigger an input as if it was a probe.
So Probeit would see that input as simply a probe trigger.

That does not mean of course that I know how that trigger was sent via a laser pointer. :)
Perhaps with one of those distance measuring lasers.

If the user decides to share his idea then I would be interested. However if he does not, then that is fair enough too.
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Re: ProbeIt for UCCNC

Postby Battwell » Tue Oct 17, 2023 10:52 am

that was me- playing.
i wanted a simple curve following probe that was non contact- so my customes wouldnt keep smashing real probes!
(i deal with idiots that already know everything and dont listen ! )

the switch used is just that a cheap laser edge detection switch. (£10) wired to a probe input.
works ok if the job is run at the same speed as the calibration routine.

i just received another to test- that shouldnt be affected by object colour.

i also have more expensive laser distance switches here that give a reasonably accurate 0.14mm distance readout via analog.
these i will be writing my own simple routines for- nothing as good or with as much programming eric has put into probeit!
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Re: ProbeIt for UCCNC

Postby odino87 » Mon Nov 06, 2023 10:43 am

I was play with the demo version of this plugin.
I wanted to implement a self retract probe for probing the surface of the stock I need to work.
Is there a way to define the X-Y-Z offset from the probe tip to the spingle/tool?
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Re: ProbeIt for UCCNC

Postby eabrust » Tue Nov 07, 2023 1:54 am

HI Odino,

Thanks for your interest and checking out the demo.

Currently there isn't a way to define a full x/y/z offset and jump between the spindle and probe in ProbeIt. There is an 'x/y' offset, but it was intended to be part of a probe calibration in the event you have a probe that can't be made concentric to its shank.

Before I confirm to adding something like this in, can you describe how you'd hope it would work from your end? Ie, would a button to toggle positioning/offsets between probe and spindle be all you want available?

Also, with the latest 2116 version, x and z offsets are now captured in the tool table. If UCCNC adds in the last y axis offset soon, you could maintain all the offsets yourself by calling tool numbers and maintaining your probe as a tool. So it would be good to see if that will implement soon, before I add something that would duplicate the function.

I'm still working on updating ProbeIt to get functioning w/ 2116 and later, so I'll save adding any new features until after I have completed that effort. Its close to done, just need to verify it.

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Re: ProbeIt for UCCNC

Postby odino87 » Tue Nov 07, 2023 8:35 am

Hi and thanks for the explanation :)
the behaviour I want to obtain it's something like the Datron CNC do with their machine. Somenthing like the Datron M7 with a deployable probe.
Like the one in the photo.

The datron CNC deploys the probe and then scan the surface. There is (of course) a known offset (x,y,z) from the probe to the spindle collect/nose.
Datron save the probing result and generate something like a mesh bed levelling, so basically it does the "autolevelling" procedure you implemented in the Probeit code.

I can't know how the datron NC generate and save the result from the probing procedure (is a closed env) but the main difference from Datron system to the ProbeIt one is that the probe is shifted from the spindle and all the result are shifted too.

I don't need an all in one button like the datron, the procedure could be like the one you already implemented, but it should have the possiblity to set the probe offset from the spinle nose.

I hope I was able to explain what I want to obtain.
Thanks again for your time.
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Re: ProbeIt for UCCNC

Postby eabrust » Sun Dec 03, 2023 11:54 pm

ProbeIt for UCCNC has been updated with a dual release to cover versions of UCCNC version 2.2115 and prior, and a separate release to cover UCCNC 2.2116 and later.

Both versions are available for download here:

V2.203 & V2.300:

ProbeIt V 2.203 is for UCCNC versions 2.2115 and prior

ProbeIt V 2.300 is for UCCNC versions 2.2116 and later

ProbeIt V 2.203 and V2.300 are functionally equivalent and share the same updates and features, with the only difference being which version of UCCNC they will run with. If you have the wrong version of ProbeIt installed for your version of UCCNC, ProbeIt will not run, and will not be found in the list of plugins to be enabled.

### NOTE: This is a dual release to support versions of UCCNC at 2.2116 and later, as well as versions of UCCNC 2.2115 and prior. Changes in UCCNC versiosn 2.2116 relative to the version of OpenTK (graphics) made ProbeIt incompatible unless the newer version of OpenTK (3.3.2) was referenced. Going forwards, versions of ProbeIt in the version 2.2xx range will be for UCCNC 2.2115 and prior, and versions of ProbeIt greater than 2.3xx will be for UCCNC 2.2115 and later. Dual support may be ended at a later time, to focus efforts on a single version for the most up to date UCCNC versions.

Updates and new features:
- Check if forms off screen, and ensure they show on screen.
- Fix view form probe active error (exception for image on startup of ProbeIt)
- Fix 'drawArc' issue in DXF drawing
- On stuck probe during perimeter probing, add option to not immediately fault (pause till hit OK).
- Gcode scale/convert:
- Feedrate conversion - control decimal places
- Fix probe tip check for interpolating speed. Error if not calibrated for two speeds, but interpolate was checked.
- Bug fix 'periemeter routines' to not hang after reaching max point count.
- Bug fix: dxf layer pulldown/color issue (saving layer that may not be there on restart)
- Feature add: view form remembers state of DRO/Layer flyout panels
- Updated viewer to match the Gcode editor pan/zoom/rotate functionality
- Added snap to view functionality to DXF viewer

Any issues or suggestions for the new versions, please let me know. Thanks!

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Re: ProbeIt for UCCNC

Postby XYZ_Spec » Sun Dec 24, 2023 2:00 am

odino87 wrote:the behaviour I want to obtain it's something like the Datron for CNC do with their machine. Somenthing like the Datron M7 with a deployable probe.

odino87 wrote:There is (of course) a known offset (x,y,z) from the probe to the spindle collect/nose.

odino87 wrote: it should have the possiblity to set the probe offset from the spindle nose.

Maybe this can help you. Implemented a button that runs a macro to offset the probed coordinates to the spindle position.

All it needs is a click of a button :P
(I have another button that only offsets the values and the axis don't go to X0Y0Z0
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Re: ProbeIt for UCCNC

Postby mglogue » Mon Mar 25, 2024 3:52 pm

Delco wrote:Having a option for metric on first install would be good, I went through and changed most of the values to suit manually but I am still finding things I need to multiply by 25.4 to get within the ballpark :)

Here is how my install loaded attachment below, same on both my machines

I know that I am responding to a very old post, but I agree with Delco, it would be nice to be able to just start in metric mode or perhaps do my install in Metric mode so that probeit was always in metric mode -- basically allow the option to select Imperial or metric during the install process. I have tried changing it to Metric using the instructions I found in the manual but so far, I haven't been able to figure out what values are supposed to be set per section 5.3 of the manual:

You must ensure values are entered into all the "input‟ boxes on the forms, pertinent to
the routine you want to run. To ease this, you may now load "default‟ values for either
inch or mm from buttons on the "settings‟ page. After loading defaults, please look over
all values and adjust as appropriate for your use and machine.

I think that the "settings" page talked about here must be the "Probe Settings" page as it's the only one I see that has a button to set defaults ("Set Defaults INCH" and "Set Defaults MM") but when I click that button, I get a popup that says:

"During loading of settings XML: can't find control. After plugin loads, please hit save settings to update file to latest version"

I'm not sure what this is asking me to do or what "Control" it is looking for and I only have one version of probeit (version 2.300 running on UCCNC version 1.2116).

So, I have tried closing probeit and UCCNC, then restarting and then immediately hitting "Save Settings" from the top of the probeit screen, but that didn't seem to help, I still get the popup when I try to set defaults to MM. I also tried copying the ProbeIt-defaults-mm.xml file found in the C:\UCCNC\Plugins\ProbeIt\Settings\Defaults directory into the C:\UCCNC\Plugins\ProbeIt\Settings directory and renaming it ProbeIt.xml. That didn't seem to work either.

Probeit itself is working just fine (actually it's great) but it would be nice to have probeit setup correctly.

By the way, I only use probeit to level PCBs so I am only using the AutoLevel functionality, which seems to work great, I would just prefer to have it be setup in Metric mode so any help would be appreciated.
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Re: ProbeIt for UCCNC

Postby Battwell » Wed Apr 03, 2024 7:57 pm

for offset- can you just use g52? i use it for lasers/drill bank offsets etc. works great.
nice that the pause function has been added eric. :-) allows a probe flick to reset it .
i will have to have another play when i get the development machine fired up again.
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