Tollpath View, how to change coordinates

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Tollpath View, how to change coordinates

Postby 2046 » Wed Jul 06, 2022 6:27 pm


Is there a way how to change the coordinates of the 3D view in specific view.
For example if I choose from left the model is seen from left but the Z axis is pointing to the right instead up as I wanted to be with Z up, as the model lays with Z upwards.
Same think with the view right, the Z points to left.
The 3D view is also aside with Z pointing deep in the view..
More over why would anyone need to look at model from left and right or vise versa when the model is drawn in wire mode? One of them would be just fine.
What would make more sense is [left or right] and [front] view. In that case the left view from top would be somehow right as it would follow the blue print logic, the front view is still missing though.
This is all illogical.
The top view is ok, the ISO view as well, but those I mentioned before are nonsense and front view is missing altogether.
As mentioned in the pdf manual these views has numbers [139, 140, 141]. Looks like it is defined somehow in the program itself, meaning it does not look like changeable macro.

Any idea how to redefine these views or even better how to define custom views?
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Re: Tollpath View, how to change coordinates

Postby 2046 » Tue Jan 23, 2024 12:27 pm

Is there a way how to change the view coordinates in the latest UCCNC version so that the Z axis points upward not to the right side in all views?

The ISO has the Z upwards which is correct, the top view pointing toward the viewer which is correct too.
But the both side views and the perspective view turns the model in weird way..
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Re: Tollpath View, how to change coordinates

Postby 2046 » Tue Jan 23, 2024 4:39 pm

Can there be a option that keeps the view us the user left it?

If I rotate the view in side view and leave it and go back the view is reset to its default angle.

The view remembers it last state and recalls it next time the user switches to it.
Ideal persistent after the program has been shut down.

it can be an optional setting in appearance "remember last view state"
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