I got my new CNC router finished and I'm in the process of setting up the machine in UCCNC.
My controller is the AXBB-E, and I was able to get to connect to the PC directly without issue. The problems I'm having now are:
None of the axes are moving - no sound or sign of movement at all when attempting to jog, though the software shows the correct movement.
When setting up the Axes I put in the info the the limit - switches (port and pin) but the software doesn't save it, switching those settings back to 0 0 as soon as I hit Activate or Save Settings.
In the Diagnostics screen on the I/O Monitor panel, there are five lights illuminated in green on Port 3 - pins I10, I11, I12, I13 and I15. I have nothing connected to Port 3 at all.
On the same screen, Port 1 Pin O15 is illuminated in red. I am using that pin for the Step signal for the Z axis.
Also, Port 2 pins 14 and 16 are lit in green (same on the controller) - those are limit switch input pins for X and Z. The Y limit switch is in Port 2 pin 15 but that spot isn't lit on the controller or in the software.
Pic of the controller in its on state a few screenshots taken during setup and a basic wiring diagram to show how I have this thing connected.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!