I'm new to UCCNC so I've probably missed something obvious here, but I can't figure out how to get O1 and O14 to work.
I have the UC300ETH and UCBB connected with port#1 to CN2 and port#2 to CN1. I wanted a 4 port relay board connected to 4x outputs. At first I tried using the port#1 / CN2 outputs O1, O14, O16, O17 and set up output triggers to quickly test functionality. However, only O16 and O17 would work. O1 and O14 are unresponsive. Virtual LEDs under diagnostics come on, but the actual LEDs on the UCBB do not and hence the two corresponding relays also do not. For troubleshooting I moved the two relay wires over to port#2 / CN1 O16 and O17 and that worked as expected.
Charge pump settings have not not been used and remain Chargepumppinnumber=0 and Chargepump2pinnumber=0.