File loading problem

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File loading problem

Postby MrCactus1 » Sun Nov 13, 2022 10:17 pm

I'm sure it's me but I have two fields that I compare the values of. One field is a spot to make an offset to the program. The other field takes the value and holds onto it to see if a large offset is made outside a set tolerance on the next updated value.
The program runs fine and does what it is supposed to. Until you load a new file. Then it stops working and has the following error - see attached Doc1.pdf.
After I start the program with cycle start or single line. Then the program works again.
Any ideas?
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Re: File loading problem

Postby MrCactus1 » Mon Nov 14, 2022 1:11 am

It appears that the problem is surrounding this statement - double pal = exec.Question("Which Work Offset to Update?" + "\n" + "54, 56 - 59");
double valu = pal;

Is the double declaration for pal correct? One would think that this should be a string. Since it is asking a question.
I am now getting this error -

UCCNC macro compiler error log file
Last error dated: 11/13/2022 7:58:22 PM
In macro: M801
CS0103 | in line: 44 | error text: The name 'pal' does not exist in the current context

line 44 is this statement - double valu = pal; SInce these are both declared as double there should be no problems.

Am I missing something here????

Also while I am talking about - Example: double val = exec.Question("What X position to move?");
When the question form opens up, the red X at the top right of the window does nothing. Should close the form.
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Re: File loading problem

Postby betelgueze » Mon Nov 14, 2022 9:16 am

I opened your macro in Notepad++.
And in line 23, you have printed, ov:
I can not se that its declared anyway?
I dont know if it is correct that it should be there, but if it is. I think it should be ov; instead of ov:
Im just an amateur with programing,so im not shure ?

Here is the part:

if ((current < 53) || (current == 55)){
double val = exec.Question("Which Work Offset to Update?" + "\n" + "54, 56 - 59");
current = val;
if (current == 55){
current = 0;
MessageBox.Show("Can not update Work Offset G55","Can not update.",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Stop);
goto ov;

The error probably is about that you have not declared "pal". Like: double pal = 0.0; or something like that.
I dont see a line with "pal" anywer. But you have a line with "val".

Hope this is to any help, and good luck with your macro.
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Re: File loading problem

Postby fsli » Mon Nov 14, 2022 12:55 pm

The error is at the beginning:
double current = exec.Getvar(6); // Retrieve value in internal macro varaible #6. Work Offset.

Variable #6 hasn't been set, so the return value from Getvar is null, and can't be converted to a double. You'll need to modify the macro to protect against that possibility. I don't see anything in this macro that's updating #6, so I'm guessing it's being done in a different macro or the g code program.

Not related to the error: Where do you define "loop"? At the top of the macro you have:

... I don't see it being defined/declared anywhere.

I'd also question why you'd want to execute the macro body more than once anyway. There's a lot of other things in that macro that I'd change, from an aesthetics perspective. Your use of goto is poor practice, and can easily be converted to a while. You convert to double too often. That is, you convert a string to double and put it into one variable, then you convert the same, unchanged string again and put it into a different variable, or you convert the same string to double as part of an if predicate. You should read about the switch statement in C#, too.
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Re: File loading problem

Postby dezsoe » Mon Nov 14, 2022 1:37 pm


#6 is zero until it gets another value, no problem.

Check the UCCNC manual for macroloops. The loop variable is defined by the system. It is true when you start a macroloop and gets set to false when you press Stop in the macroloop config window.

I agree with you about the goto, however, if you decompile .Net programs then you'll find that the compilers often use it to optimize the code.


The ov: is a label and the goto jumps there.
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Re: File loading problem

Postby MrCactus1 » Mon Nov 14, 2022 2:35 pm

You are correct I have val and pal. I started switching the words around thinking that val might be a restricted word. Just never got all of them done there was no point. I spent hours on this yesterday.
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