I bought a 6040 with a 1.5kw spindle and a bad controller with the plans of replacing the electronics. I ended up going with a uc300eth and gecko g540 setup and am now getting everything back together and need some help determining how the old vfd should be connected. The VFD is connected as it was in terms of power/spindle/display/manual-pc switch, but there are 4 wires which were previously running to either the old controller or breakout boards that im not sure what to do with.
I have yellow +10V, a red AVI, a block COM, and a white FWD wires coming off the VFD terminal and basically just need to know what each are, and how I would reconnect them or if they are needed. From what I have found it sounds like the +10v can be connected to an analog pin on the uc300eth and is used to control the spindle speed setting? Thinking maybe the FWD wire might toggle forward or reverse?
I am new to this and this is my first CNC machine, I dont have great eletronics/wiring experience so im not familiar with every term. Any help would be greatly appreciated!