I have a working setup for +/-10v control on spindle.
It works by using an operational amplifier to invert the signal.
So the control outputs a 0-10v signal and the op amp converts this into a +/-10v signal
then it has a relay to switch between the two fwd/rev. The problem is I get a little creep
I have considered a relay to connect to 0v when it is stopped as this would eliminate creep.
i was thinking "Always a dangerous thing" I am running the ETH300 with a cncroom UB1
There are two analog outputs. if i ran forward with one 0-10v and ran the second
through my converter for -10v. connected the grounds together.
Then each analog signal would have a job and it could make the creep problem go away.
And give me better control. since only one is on at a time it should perform.
Please tell me what you think or if you have a better solution. I am still working
on all the spindle functions and right now the encoder is throwing me.
I have a resolver on the motor that feeds back to the drive and the drive outputs a digital encoder signal.
that I have working. The problem is i need a count. What i would like to do is count the pulses of an led on the screen.
I have seen digital readout fields but as yet have not figured out a way to have it count. then i could just turn the spindle by hand
one revolution and get my ppr. This is also important to a tool changer as i need a dro or something to count from 1 to 21 and reset.
If anybody knows how to accomplish this or can direct me on how to start it ? that would be great.
I dont know any c to speak of. I know more vb. However I will work with what I get and thank you for your help.