I've been running a UC100 ethernet interface with MACH3. Today the system when wacky when the GCode tried to start the spindle which failed and the Y axis began to have issues similar to bad data being transmitted to the BOB. Eventually, I removed the spindle code from the job, started the spindle manually, then restarted the job. However, the interface stopped sending pulses in the middle of the job. When I restarted MACH3 and selected the UC100 interface, the system appeared to start normally, but within a few seconds a pop-up indicated the the communication with the interface had stopped. Next, I unplugged the interface, reattached the USB cable then restarted MACH3 with the same results. Lastly, I did a full power down restart of the system, with the same results.
This machine is not connected to the internet, so the driver has not been updated recently. Has the interface died or do I have to maintain an ethernet connection for the interface to function normally? Or, is there some other trouble shooting that I can do to better identify the problem?
Need some major help here...