ProbeIt for UCCNC

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Re: ProbeIt for UCCNC

Postby eabrust » Thu May 06, 2021 11:17 am

ckoppenaal wrote:Hello,

I am interested in this plugin. This may be a silly question but is there any info on how make this coincide with a tool touch plate? So basically I want to use the probe to pick up Z and then use the tool touch plate to pick up tools that match the Z probe position? Sorry I am a basic (dumb) uccnc user so I kind of need everything spelled out for me to use it.

Hi Ckoppenaal,

Really, the primary purpose of ProbeIt is for reverse engineering and copying / measuring data back to a DXF or point clouds, but it certainly can be used for initial stock setup and zeroing. ProbeIt doesn't really deal w/ tool length offsets, tool table, or link probe length to tool length.

How you do setup work and use probing depends a lot on personal preference, and if you have a tool changer or tool holders w/ fixed length tools.

I do not have fixed length tools, so when setting up a part, I would use ProbeIt to setup X/Y location, get the part squared up, etc. Then for Z I use a moveable tool touch plate to set my z-zero to either table surface or stock surface, depending on what I'm doing. That is done after I'm done w/ ProbeIt and back in UCCNC getting ready to run the GCode. The touch plate comes out everytime I change a tool manually then.

If your only interest for use of the probe is to do part setup prior to running GCode, the built in probing in UCCNC is likely all you would need/want. If you want to measure parts and make DXFs, ProbeIt is good at that.

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Re: ProbeIt for UCCNC

Postby eabrust » Sat Sep 04, 2021 11:44 pm

ProbeIt for UCCNC has been updated to v. 2.012 and is available for download here:

No new real 'features', just some bug fixes and corrections.

Updates in V2.012:
-Bugfixes & stability improvements
-Changes to the save/close buttons. Added specific 'save' button so data collected can be saved any time without closing/stopping.
-Auto-Disable 'zero mode' on starting of perimeter routines
-Added a 'go to position' mode and button
-X/Y/Z position DROs can be manually changed by user entry on plugin window now
-Corner routines, altered second side distance to be corner clearance value (rather than just barely catching corner)
-Zero-mode issue, fixed so it will not record to DXF when doing a probe to set a zero position.
-Fixed DXF layer color picker issue
-Message boxes now stay on top of plugin windows, even if ProbeIt is set to stay 'on top'
-Fixed the initial moves for the 'ridge probe' buttons so first moves match the image for sequence

Suggestions & bug reports always welcome. If any users have any "I wish I could do this... " requests, please let me know.

I have future plans to make calibration of the probe tip be done at two speeds, and then applying an estimated probe calibration based on interpolating the speed between the calibrated speeds. That will be a little ways out.

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Re: ProbeIt for UCCNC

Postby eabrust » Mon Jan 03, 2022 3:55 pm

ProbeIt for UCCNC has been updated to v. 2.100 and is available for download here:

Majority of work was cleaning up the interface and windows, adding a 'pop up/auto closing' result box, and making a little better easier on the eyes. Minor changes to a few of the probing routines (pocket/post). Biggest update is 2 speed calibration table w/ interpolation, so you can switch probing speeds and still get reliable results.

Update your prior version by installing to the same UCCNC directory, or install into a new UCCNC installation folder. Note, due to the interface updates, your current 'settings' saved in the XML file will not fully transfer over (sorry). Make note of your settings, and you'll have to re-enter some of them and do a 'save settings' in the updated version to update to a current XML settings file. Alternately, delete you're existing XML settings, and on first run, use the default settings, then adjust from there to your preferences.

- Screen image/design updates to improve look and operation
- Images for buttons, LEDs, etc brought external to folder, to be user changeable
- Dual speed calibration tables, w/ interpolation when probing at speeds in between calibrated values
- Check online for new version available (if internet connection available)
- New ‘pop up’ probe result box with auto close
- Color formatting for status and result box text
- Pocket and post modified to repeat X direction after Y for circular features (get correct X measurement without repeating probing)
- Added limit switches to fault checks to abort probe routines
- Added loss of focus to fault checks for abort, probing now gracefully halts if UCCNC or ProbeIt lose focus
- Simple z probe routine/button added to 2D probing screen
- Added controls for DXF layer (add, delete, color) to main screen

-Correction made to probe tip correction calculations
-Corrections to the 'Go To' location and 0 buttons
-Corrections to DXF layer handling when opening/closing files, clearing data.

Suggestions & bug reports always welcome. If any users have any "I wish I could do this... " requests, please let me know.

CraftyCNC: Plugins for UCCNC (and other neat stuff):
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Re: ProbeIt for UCCNC

Postby CL_MotoTech » Thu Jan 06, 2022 7:08 pm

I haven't gone through the process of setting up the newest version, I installed it last night. Is there a way to show/hide the status and viewer? For me anyways, it would be nice to permanently hide them as they aren't useful in my normal workflow. I had gotten in the habit of just hiding them on startup. I couldn't find corresponding buttons in the new setup, though I only tried for about 2 minutes.

I have a bunch of parts to make in the near future so I am sure I will get familiar with the new GUI rather quickly, but I was a bit shocked to see the big change. If i have suggestions I will email or post. Is the email page working now? I am looking to install a web cam soon and I wouldn't mind setting up text/email notifications as well.

Finally, what version of UCCNC are you using? I want to make sure I am lockstep with you.
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Re: ProbeIt for UCCNC

Postby eabrust » Thu Jan 06, 2022 11:40 pm

Hi Chris, happy New Year, and hope all is well

Don't worry, I don't think it is as different as it appears. The windows form layout and how it looked was one of the things I disliked most, so I went after cleaning it up, wanted it less cartoon-ey :D I'll not be ableto claim I am good at user interface design....but I'll keep tweaking things that bug me over time.

CL_MotoTech wrote:I haven't gone through the process of setting up the newest version, I installed it last night. Is there a way to show/hide the status and viewer? For me anyways, it would be nice to permanently hide them as they aren't useful in my normal workflow. I had gotten in the habit of just hiding them on startup. I couldn't find corresponding buttons in the new setup, though I only tried for about 2 minutes.

Good news, the updates I made work in your favor :). The show/hide buttons are still there for the viewer and status (top right now), but an improvement made is that the state of them being 'visible' or 'hidden' is saved on shutdown, so if you like them being hidden, they'll be hidden next time you open it without you having to hide them. Most of the shifting around of stuff was so I could get the DXF layer controls (add/delete/color) added on the main page, so thew viewer can stay hidden all the time, and you can still access DXF layer controls.

PIt screen update 2.100.PNG

CL_MotoTech wrote:Finally, what version of UCCNC are you using? I want to make sure I am lockstep with you.

I've tested with everything from .2113 to .2115. and have the various versions on my machines, I don't update all my machines to the latest/greatest.

CraftyCNC: Plugins for UCCNC (and other neat stuff):
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Re: ProbeIt for UCCNC

Postby CL_MotoTech » Tue Jan 11, 2022 2:51 am

So far, so good! I got it all calibrated and was able to hit the ground running.

Did you change where rectangles and circles had different clearance distances (seemingly radius vs diameter)? The GUI is streamlined! I like the X1 or cont buttons. I did like 10 hours worth of machining both Saturday and Sunday, everything is spot on. It's all very easy to use and is less cluttered to my eye.

Here's what I think is a good request, but it perhaps is a fairly tough one to complete. Is it possible to make the spindle inactive if the probe is mounted? I know right now ProbeIt doesn't acknowledge a tool as a probe, it's a trust based system, but dang would it be cool if we perhaps could identify a dedicated tool number as the probe and when that tool was mounted the spindle would not activate. I think it's a solid safety feature. I use T11, of course the number isn't particularly relevant, in my case I use 11 because my ATC holds 10 and I like to leave the probe off the carousel and away from the coolant. Of course the T11 tool length is entered in the tool table for Z0 touch off feature. If I could specify T11 as the probe and thusly make it impossible to M6 or M5 my spindle when T11 was mounted i would have less chance of being an idiot, or well, less chance of acting on my idiocy.

One other suggestion, instead of an XY clearance maybe a dedicated field for XY stock dimension, then a dedicated field for clearance. My probe tip is .235" D, so I usually use .2 of clearance (I just eyeball stock center when doing a post type probe op). That clearance distance doesn't change for me, .2" works reliably. However the stock does change and I usually know my stock dimensions. If the stock is 1" by 1" I enter 1.4" by 1.4" in the current system. If there was a dedicated stock field I'd simply set the stock dimension while leaving the .2" clearance the same. This is just a thought, obviously everything functions well as is.
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Re: ProbeIt for UCCNC

Postby Vmax549 » Tue Jan 11, 2022 2:33 pm

The way I solved that problem was to make a mount for the probe that has a switch mounted on it. When the probe is in the mount it activates the switch so the spindle can run. When you take the probe out of the mount it opens the switch and the spindle cannot run. With the tool selection method there is nothing stopping you from using the probe and NOT changing the tool number.

Just a thought (;-) TP
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Re: ProbeIt for UCCNC

Postby eabrust » Wed Jan 12, 2022 3:48 am

Hey Chris, glad to hear latest version is more streamlined :) that was the goal.

Terry makes a good point about preventing spindle operation inadvertently. On my machines, I also physically kill power to the VFD or spindle drive via a switch if I put the probe in, its just what I do as habit. Of course I'm able to do so, as that's how the machines are wired (per my preference), and I get that isn't the case for a lot of machines.

I don't think I could implement spindle inactive in ProbeIt in a very 'properly' functional way as a software solution, it would really need to be within UCCNC itself. My plugin cannot stop a user from pushing the M3 or cycle start button, best it could do is to hit 'M5' or 'cycle stop' if it saw the users designated probe tool number active, and then saw the M3 (or M4) go active. This would best case happen at fastest 1/25 of a second (plugin loop rate). So it may technically result in something that would sort of work, it wouldn't be ideal, it would really be my plugin fighting against UCCNC trying to start, and likely result in the spindle output signal turning on and back off rapidly.

Can you explain your other suggestion to add a stock size dimension? That would really only be for if you're trying to probe the full width/height on the outside as a 'post' sort of operation, right? So rather than entering the 'post' clearance move distance as 1/2 the width of the part plus some extra for tip clearance, you'd rather just enter the part width/height, and have it in the background cut it in half and add some extra to clear?

Thanks for the suggestions! I'm open to add stuff that definitely improves functionality in useful ways.

CraftyCNC: Plugins for UCCNC (and other neat stuff):
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Re: ProbeIt for UCCNC

Postby CL_MotoTech » Wed Jan 12, 2022 2:34 pm

Not sure why I said M5/6 above, my M codes were evading me in that moment. lol

I like Terry's suggestion, I may make something to do that. I'll have too look at my spindle wiring and scratch my head a bit.

As for the post dimensions, yeah I think you have it. Right now I park the probe approximately at the center of the stock

Code: Select all
(stock dimension/2) + (movement clearance*2) = total movement for outside probing

This is on external probing as you say. Though I suppose it could work for internal dimensions too. There should I suppose be some sort of error out if a probe touch isn't found in some distance, that may be a feature already, I can't recall.
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Re: ProbeIt for UCCNC

Postby Greolt » Fri Jan 20, 2023 7:53 am

Just installed ProbeIt V2.101 downloaded from ProbeIt website.
UCCNC V 1.2113
Win7 no internet connection.

When it starts up I get the following messages pop up in that order.

20-01-2023 6-00-01 PM.jpg
20-01-2023 6-00-01 PM.jpg (9.68 KiB) Viewed 7995 times

20-01-2023 6-00-15 PM.jpg
20-01-2023 6-00-15 PM.jpg (11.06 KiB) Viewed 7995 times

20-01-2023 5-58-55 PM.jpg
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