Vmax549 wrote:Probing on an average DIY cnc at 4000mm is unrealistic.
No, it's not, but you have to think outside your box.
Vmax549 wrote: With teh amount of overrun you will tend to break things(probes).
That depends on the probe and the touch plate.
Vmax549 wrote:IF you are that far a way from teh object that you need to probe at 4000mm you need to rethink your process and rapid over to a closer position before beginning the probing process.
Sure, some times that is possible like for Z height, some times it is NOT possible, like for instance center finding of a decently large object.
Vmax549 wrote:Probing at 20-30 IPM is an average good probing speed that lessens the chance of a long overrun and damage to your device.
I don't know where you got that figure from, poor imagination perhaps? ...but even so, 500 - 700 mm/min which is 20-30in/min (let's keep the same units, otherwise you might confuse some people) is also too fast and generates far too muck overrun as well as can actually break your probe or cause damage, depending on your probe and touch plate.
Vmax549 wrote:NOW IF you have a high speed fast acting servos (High accel rates) then have at it at high speed probing. But most do not have that option.
Has really NOTHING to do with servos vs. steppers. Many stepper based machines have very high speed also, so there is really ABSOLUTELY no relation.
Vmax549 wrote:Most modern controllers have 3 probing options
Probe to point and trip then stop
Probe to point stop reverse an offset value then probe at a reduced FR ( Double Tap, Probing speed always teh same)
Probe to point reverse and trip on switch remaking (Probing speed always teh same)
...so what?
They have served teh CNC industry very well over the years.
(;-) TP[/quote]