I'm using the latest version of UCCNC with no plugins running (computer and other specs below). We have had some issue with UCCNC skipping commands its sending to the controller UC400 we narrowed down the issue to a poor system so we upgraded. This has fixed this issue but a new one with similar symptoms has arose. When UCCNC is connected to the controller and a file is loaded the ram usage by the program will continually climb. once the RAM being used starts to reach the system limit we get issues which would relate to low system resources which makes sense since they are being used up. The question is why is UCCNC trying to use so much ram but it ends up climbing slowly up to the system limit of 7.8GB (1 stick of 8GB RAM installed) once it reaches that limit it will cache about 1-4GB of that data and then start again. We don't have this issue on other machines or computers before. Things to note are this only happens when a file is loaded otherwise the RAM usage will stop climbing and it seams to climb faster with larger file sizes. I have attached photos of task manager.
Any help would be amazing
System were using
HP 290 G3 SFF i3-10100 Desktop
Intel i3 10th gen
Win 10 Home