Write offset writes soft limit automatically

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Write offset writes soft limit automatically

Postby dammogreen » Tue Feb 06, 2018 12:54 am

Version 1.2047

If you set softlimit- to to "3" ,for example. AND you have soft limits enabled ...When you apply setting it will write the softlimit - value ("3) into the "Write offset on homing field".

A work around is to NOT have softlimits enabled when you click "apply settings" , that way It will keep (not overwite) the softlimit- value into the "Write offset on homing field".

HOWEVER, if at any time after the fact, you DO click "APPLY SETTINGS" while softlimits are enabled you will get an unwanted suprise of having UNCC overwite the softlimit- value into the "Write offset on homing field"
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Re: Write offset writes soft limit automatically

Postby cncdrive » Tue Feb 06, 2018 1:02 am

You have to have the home coordinates in between the softlimits. This is not a bug, it is how the software works.
If you will try to define the softlimits coordinates range outside the home coordinate will not work, it will put the home coordinate back to the limit of the softlimits, because out of that range for home coordinate is not allowed when softlimtis are enabled.
You could move away from the home switch when the homing in version 1.2101 or higher only in which there is a backoff parameter with which you can add a movement after the homing,
so you could for example have 0 for softlimits- and 0 home offset and you set the backoff distance to 2 then it will move away from the home switch with 2 units and will set the home coordinate there to 0, so your home switch will be at -2 coordinate, out of the softlimits.
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Re: Write offset writes soft limit automatically

Postby dammogreen » Tue Feb 06, 2018 1:56 am


"You have to have the home coordinates in between the softlimits." .. This is one aspect where I wish UNCC was similar to mach3 i.e home value does not have to be in between softlimits and definitely not overwritten from what i specified manually...that could be a nasty surprise when hours later one hit "apply settings" for some other unrelated configure process and suddenly the reference point for the axis has changed...crash!

Would be better IMO (mach 3 style) to not have it overwrite the user specified home value EVER..

when homing ..after it homes just pop up warning (if softlimits enabled) and allow jogging back into softlimits)....or a warning BEFORE homing (if softlimits are enabled) that you have are are going to hit a softlimit)

Usually I want my home to remain as I set it as sometimes I adjust and activate my soft limits to avoid crashing into temporary fixtures/clamps etc.

I do love the software and the G33 works great.

---an example of a surprise I ran into::

Position X at machine coordinate "4" units (it's in between the softlimin min and max)

Write offset on homing : "0"
Softlimit- :1
Softlimit+ :5

Softlimits enabled: YES (checked)

Now click "Apply Settings"...could be hours or days later...and you may be in any screen and be unaware that now your home reference is different....

You will see Write offset on homing : now equals "1" <<<<this is the really scary part!!!! ....SO if you homed the machine it would reference the home position to an unexpected value.....Yes you would want to move back in between your soft limits IF they were enabled...but you also may not have them enabled

Great software though!
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Re: Write offset writes soft limit automatically

Postby ger21 » Tue Feb 06, 2018 2:50 am

As mentioned in CNC Drive's previous reply, this behavior has been changed in the latest test versions, so this issue no longer occurs.

Now click "Apply Settings"...could be hours or days later...and you may be in any screen and be unaware that now your home reference is different....

Do you leave UCCNC running for days at a time?
If you enter those numbers, and never hit apply, then they will never actually be in effect. And if you don't Save Settings, they will have changed when you restarted UCCNC.
You should be in the habit of using "Apply Settings" as soon as you change any settings, or the changes you've made won't actually have any affect.

As mentioned in CNC Drive's previous reply, this behavior has been changed in the latest test versions, so this issue no longer occurs.
UCCNC 2022 Screenset - http://www.thecncwoodworker.com/2022.html
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Re: Write offset writes soft limit automatically

Postby vedecoid » Sat Jun 12, 2021 8:47 am

It is mentioned that this behaviour is not there anymore in test versions, butr in the version I run (the latest non beta available for download), 1.211, it still is happening.

I don't understand the logic of changing machine coordinate origin together with soft limits. Maybe I misunderstood the use of softlimits, but for us they are used (as mentioned by a previous poster) to avoid crashing into obstacles that are within the machines' normal range. So setting they outside of the range or at the border don't make sense at all. I actually fail to see the need for it then. Or is this just to avoid tripping the limit switches ?
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Re: Write offset writes soft limit automatically

Postby vedecoid » Sat Jun 12, 2021 9:20 am

I figured out where things went wrong...
I'm using UCCNC on a stepcraft router. When first time installing, stepcraft assigns a screenset, which is not updated with more recent developments. So the necessary Backoff was simply not visible.

Turned to default screen now and it works as expected.
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