Postprocessor in FreeCAD for UC-CNC

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Postprocessor in FreeCAD for UC-CNC

Postby papaathome » Tue Mar 23, 2021 4:20 pm

I created a post processor for UC-CNC in FreeCAD (see attached file).
And I would like to share it with other people who might have an interest is post processors for a UC-CNC/FreeCAD combination.

My setup is a Stepcraft 420 with an UC100 device but the post processor is generic and should generate valid GCode for other configurations as well.

I have documented the script as much as possible.

Kind regards,
post processor for use in Path workbench in FreeCAD.
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Re: Postprocessor in FreeCAD for UC-CNC

Postby A_Camera » Tue Mar 23, 2021 5:38 pm

Thank you very much. I am a FreeCAD user so I will definitely test it. What are the advantages compared to what's available?
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Re: Postprocessor in FreeCAD for UC-CNC

Postby papaathome » Wed Mar 24, 2021 10:44 am

A_Camera wrote:Thank you very much. I am a FreeCAD user so I will definitely test it. What are the advantages compared to what's available?

I don't know what you are using now so I can hardly tell you what the advantages are. :)

Once can say that the advantages of using the UC-CNC post processor is that the default settings are geared towards UC-CNC and not some other GCode processor.
That is, no G20/G21 codes but a warning if the path module tries to use them.
By default no line numbers N####, UC-CNC is not doing anything with it and is silently skipping the code. (But you can enable line numbers for your own use, I find it handy sometimes to have the option to switch it on).

Another possible advantage is that this post processor can include full comments on the objects that it generates code for which makes it a lot easier to find the actual GCode for some details of your part.
And you have the option to just switch all comments off. My experience is that the difference in file size is about 10% so I always leave it on.

The post processor will include a comment header with full details on the FreeCAD project from where the part and paths are originating from, including the data/time and options used to call the post processor for traceability.
I sometimes end up wit more than one GCode file and can't remember which one is the most up to date one. This header helps me to find the correct one.

Just to name a few of the things that you can see as an advantage.

Kind regards,
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Joined: Tue Mar 23, 2021 3:36 pm


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