AXBB-e controlling spindle trough step / dir ?

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AXBB-e controlling spindle trough step / dir ?

Postby hobbybob » Tue Jun 30, 2020 7:10 pm

Hi All,

I am thinking of buying a AXBB-e controller after hearing a very enthousiastic person on the dutch CNCZone forum.
Only 3 questions remain:

My spindle (watercooled 1,5kW) is driving by step/dir signal (so not a VFD, the driver looks more like a very very big stepper driver, giving 3 phase 230V, 8A).
Can the AXBB-e using the plugin in Mach3 drive my spindle like i now control it with my Smoothstepper *current controller i want to replace by AXBB-e) ?

In the schematic i see all home switches are connected in series.
Does that mean when it is home Z for instance, it just waits until one of the switches is triggered, then backs off (closing the circuit again) and then homes the next axis, and then the last axis ?
Or is it also possible to give every home switch is own input port ?

Can Inductive home sensors be connected without any pullups/pulldowns/transistors etc just like is mentioned in the manual ?
On my current setup (Smoothstepper plus C25 breakout board) there were LEDs mounted on the inputs which caused so much current draw i had to do all kinds of trickery to make my inductive endstops (kinda) work.
In the end, i was so fed up i removed them, although i really liked them, hope it's possible to reinstate these again with the AXBB-e ?

Hope someone can answer these, after that i will buy the controller.
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Re: AXBB-e controlling spindle trough step / dir ?

Postby cncdrive » Tue Jun 30, 2020 7:59 pm


Yes, the AXBB-E supports step/dir spindle mode.

You can connect the limitswitches in any combination to any inputs. Then you can freely configure them in the software.

Yes, inductive sensors can be connected like in the manual.
The AXBB-E inputs are optocouplers with both sides of the optocoupler wired out with a series resistor onboard, so you can connect NPN and PNP output sensors also, like how it is shown in the manual.
There is no need for pullup or pulldown resistors, the optocoupler and the series resistor on the AXBB-E input is the pullup/down resistor in the connections.

You've mentioed MAch3, but my advice is to try the UCCNC instead, you can download it from our website and can run it in demo mode.
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Re: AXBB-e controlling spindle trough step / dir ?

Postby hobbybob » Tue Jun 30, 2020 8:35 pm

Wow, thanks for the prompt reply.
I will look into UCCNC, but is it also possible to buy that later ?

I heard very good things about the controller also in combination with Mach3, but you make me curious, so i will download tomorrow.
But if i can also buy and download that later, i will order the controller first and then maybe later go to UCCNC.

What is the biggest advantage for me to leave my Mach3 which i already use since 2013 and go to UCCNC ?
I use Vectric Aspire to make my files and toolpaths. Is there a post processor for UCCNC ?
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Re: AXBB-e controlling spindle trough step / dir ?

Postby cncdrive » Tue Jun 30, 2020 10:05 pm

Sure, no problem.

Yes, you can purchase a UCCNC license for your controller any time you like.
I'm not familiar with Vectric, but the UCCNC understands the same codes what Mach3/4 and LinuxCNC does, it is called the RS274NGC standard.
So, basically your existing files should work also with the UCCNC.
There might be special codes which are not standards or macros which requires some coding, but standard codes should be 100% compatible.
But you can try to load and run them in the UCCNC demo mode to see if they load, you can check the toolpath if it is OK and you can run the code, the demo mode will simulate the run for you.

The advantage of the UCCNC to MAch3 is that MAch3 is no more developed, it is a dead project for about 5 years now, so the bugs it has will be likely never fixed.
The UCCNC is continously developed and maintained. We also adding new features in every new releases.
Also the UCCNC has a more serious trajectory planner. MAch3's trajectory planner is kind of a toy, because it has no path deviation control.
It is also easier to customise the UCCNC than it is with Mach3. It has built in screen editor, macros and plugins can be written by the user.
I think these are the most important differences, but ofcourse both softwares are very complex so there are many differences, but also many similarities.
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Re: AXBB-e controlling spindle trough step / dir ?

Postby hobbybob » Wed Jul 01, 2020 5:33 am

Interesting. I will place my order today and maybe i'll just order the software straight away.
Are there any bundle offers that exist of AXBB-e and UCCNC ?
I see there are for the UC series controllers ?

Kind regards,
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Re: AXBB-e controlling spindle trough step / dir ?

Postby cncdrive » Wed Jul 01, 2020 6:20 am

Yes, there is:
It is 5 EUR cheaper if you buying it in bundle with the UCCNC:
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Re: AXBB-e controlling spindle trough step / dir ?

Postby hobbybob » Wed Jul 01, 2020 6:56 am

Order placed. Including UCCNC, it looks impressive and your arguments where enough to convince me.
I reckon you contact me for my VAT id number to finish the payment and shipping now ?
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Re: AXBB-e controlling spindle trough step / dir ?

Postby cncdrive » Wed Jul 01, 2020 10:31 pm

Yes, thats it. :)
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