To connect the step and direction signals to stepper or servo drives any of the 16 outputs can be
used. Most stepper drives have an optocoupler on these signals with a series resistor fitted in series
with the LED of the optocoupler. Mostly the series resistor's value fits a certain voltage level or
voltage range, usually it is around 5Volts. With these drives the 5Volts from the screw terminals 3.
and 4. can be used to drive the step and direction lines of the drives as shown on the following
TERMINAL 8 Direction
Connect the DIRECTION line to this terminal.
Connect the STEP line to this terminal.
TERMINAL 10 Common
Connect the controller’s +3.3VDC, +5VDC or GND to this terminal.
These inputs are optically isolated from the rest of the drive. Terminal 10 is the common connection for the opto-isolators and must be connected to the +3.3VDC, +5VDC or GND of your indexer or pulse generator.
These inputs are meant to be driven by 3.3V to 5.5V logic capable of sourcing or sinking 2.5mA of current. The minimum logic “0” time is .5uS while the minimum logic “1” time is 3uS with 3.3V – 5V connected on the COMMON terminal. The minimum logic “0” time is 3uS while the minimum logic “1” time is 0.5uS when connected to GND on the COMMON terminal. Microstepping occurs on the falling edge of the step input when COMMON is a positive voltage and on the rising edge when COMMON is connected to GND and on the rising edge when connected to 3.3V – 5V.
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