Tool Setting Probe Slow Down Macro

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Tool Setting Probe Slow Down Macro

Postby ThreeDJ16 » Sun Mar 08, 2020 8:18 pm

Hello. I'd like to put a laser trip switch above my tool setter due to the fact I have to start so high above it to account for all tool heights in the probe macro. I'd like activation of the laser switch to change the feed from 100mm/min to 10mm/min so no matter the tool length, it starts the slow probe portion right above the Metrol tool setter. So if the tool setter was NC input 2 and the laser switch was NC input 3, the tool measure macro (which starts a fixed tool change location at the top of the Z), starts at the fast speed but continues with a slow speed once input 3 goes low. Would it be as simple as while input 3 (active) f=10, otherwise f=100? Or is some form of global macro required to change the speed. I've searched around and haven't really seen anything similar in UCCNC already programmed, so was curious for some quick advise if it's easily accomplished or not.
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Re: Tool Setting Probe Slow Down Macro

Postby dezsoe » Sun Mar 08, 2020 9:14 pm

At the moment the only way you can do it is to have an output which selects the source of the probe input.
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Re: Tool Setting Probe Slow Down Macro

Postby ThreeDJ16 » Sun Mar 08, 2020 10:29 pm

dezsoe wrote:At the moment the only way you can do it is to have an output which selects the source of the probe input.

So you're saying that I'd set the laser switch as the probe input and once it activates change to monitor the tool setter input (which would be another input)? Currently I'm using one probe input for the work coordinate probe and another as the tool setter. I know that using the UC300ETH only two inputs can be setup as probe inputs, but is there something stopping me from adding the third in the macro and monitor it in parallel like is already done with the current two probe inputs?

Appreciate the response too. Thank you.
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Re: Tool Setting Probe Slow Down Macro

Postby dezsoe » Mon Mar 09, 2020 6:24 am

Not exactly. You should use one of the inputs for two signals and an output should switch between them. (E.g. with a relay.) Then you can start a G31 with high F and it will stop at the laser. Then you switch the source on the input and do normal speed G31(s).

However, it is also possible to change the configuration on the fly to select another input for probing, but you have to remember that the configuration not always can be applied (or saved). No cycle started, no moves, no jog, etc.
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Re: Tool Setting Probe Slow Down Macro

Postby eabrust » Tue Mar 10, 2020 12:37 am

I have an idea to suggest, not saying it is good or bad, and most likely it is probably dumb :) .... but I'll share it anyway.

What if the first portion of your move isn't a G31 to the laser, but rather just a jog command? You can put the laser on an input pin, start jogging z down until the laser is triggered, then command jog to stop, then issue your G31 from there. That would avoid swapping inputs for probe, etc. As a safety factor, command JSP mode 'ON' before doing the jog, so if the laser fails to trigger for any reason, at least the jog will be stopped by the toolsetter trigger (hopefully it can accommodate some overtravel).

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Re: Tool Setting Probe Slow Down Macro

Postby ThreeDJ16 » Tue Mar 10, 2020 8:47 pm

I have no idea why, but it seems a couple of phpBB forums I'm on refuse to send me email on thread responses.....argh. I've even tried 3 different email accounts from different hosts....not even going to junk.

Anyway, thanks for all the responses. I have plenty of inputs. So that's why I was confused as to why I'd have to switch a probe input with an output. But the G31 is the problem with a speed change. Ok. So maybe like Erik suggested a slow Z jog first or even my second suggestion below with two G31 moves (laser switch behind the tool setter, but this would use a little extra time).

Maybe I should break down the sequence better for explanation.

Code: Select all
Setup tool change location in setup.
Press tool height set button.
Macro will go to tool change location and ask tool number.
Tool number is set as current tool.
Asks to start probe for tool height.
Starts probe cycle at fast probe speed
Input 3 (laser switch) trips
Continues probe at slow speed
Input 2 (tool setter) trips
Back off set distance
Second probe at 10mm/min for accurate probe trip
Input 2 (tool setter) trips
write offset to tool number (specified in line 3) tool table
Return to safe Z tool change position

The other option that I had considered, if the above was an issue, was to place the laser switch behind the tool setter (offset by 20mm -Y position) as a bit of a safety. Then just get the rough Z trip point and move back over the tool setter but using a starting Z height that was measured from the laser. (which a few mm safety margin).

Code: Select all
Setup tool change location in setup.
Press tool height set button.
Macro will go to tool change location and ask tool number.
Tool number is set as current tool.
Asks to start probe for tool height.
Move -Y 20mm to laser switch position
Starts probe cycle at fast probe speed
Input 3 (laser switch) trips
Store Z offset value
Move to tool change position using the new stored Z coordinate +5mm
Continues probe at slow speed
Input 2 (tool setter) trips
Back off set distance
Second probe at 10mm/min for accurate probe trip
Input 2 (tool setter) trips
write offset to tool number (specified in line 3) tool table
Return to safe Z tool change position

Thanks for any input. I would not use this macro with any tools that needed to be manually jogged (like a flycutter or facemill), as I realize that wouldn't work out well. It's just for setting all my normal end mills and drills (especially drills for quicker change).
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