Multiple Profiles

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Multiple Profiles

Postby mccafferty » Tue Dec 20, 2016 4:48 am

I am in the process of a machine conversion. I am working on understanding some of the software features so I can make decisions on what operator interface would be convenient in hardware and which can be done in software. The machine is a Shopmaster MillTurn which is a combination machine. I am thinking I will have one profile for mill and one profile for lathe. There is a relay that directs the output of the spindle VFD to either the mill motor or the lathe motor. I can put a switch on the front panel to select. However, I would like to know if there is a way in the profile to configure a output so the state of an output would be high in one profile and low in another. That way, the appropriate spindle would automatically be selected depending on which profile you run.

I see in the manual the Output Trigger capabilities, but don't fully grasp how I can use it in this situation.

I do see some neat application of the Input Trigger capability for some convenient feature like cycle start,... Not being a machinist,.... are there some high value hardware inputs that you might suggest? I'd like to figure all this out before I engrave a panel ;?)
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Re: Multiple Profiles

Postby cncdrive » Tue Dec 20, 2016 6:31 pm

With the output triggers you can attach virtual LED states to physical output pins.
Virtual LEDs are the outputs of UCCNC functions, for example Cycle start, input pins states etc.

If you want the output on always with one profile and always off with the other profile then simply attach the output to an unused LED number, e.g. the LED 499.
Which LEDs are used by the UCCNC and what functions outputs are they you can read in the UCCNC/Documentation folder, there is a list of the LED codes.
The unused LEDs states are always 0.
If you want the output to be 0 always then attach output to the LED and do not set the LOW checkbox.
If you want the output to be 0 always then check the LOW checkbox, so the signal will go out inverted, so it will be 1 always.

And with input triggers you can attach physical input pins edge triggering to UCCNC button code calls,
so you can trigger for example a Cycle start, Cycle stop, Feedhold etc. with the external input pins triggering.
Every function in the UCCNC has a button code, you can find the list at the same UCCNC/Documentation folder.

So, using the input and output triggers you could for example build an external control panel with buttons, LEDs etc.
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Re: Multiple Profiles

Postby mccafferty » Thu Dec 22, 2016 7:11 pm

Good idea... thanks
Posts: 22
Joined: Tue Nov 29, 2016 7:01 pm

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