port 1 pins 10,11,12,13,15 input only duplicated to c10 rev1 breakout jumper set com = ground jumer set pins 2-9 output only
port 2 pins 12,11,12,13,15 input only duplicated to c10 rev1 breakout jumper set com = ground jumer set pins 2-9 output only
uc400eth set to ethernet 10/100 dedicated internal network card win 10 pro 1809 and 200khz through put.
if I want probe 1 on port 1 pin 15 and probe 2 on port 2 pin 15 it's never gonna happen.
based on documentation it meant to. Not for me. It's the second uc400eth and set of c10 boards tried.
I can swap ports and use all 5 inputs back and forth, never together. So No I can't use more than 5 inputs.
they don't both work together on mine. Never been an answer why.
I worked with blaze last year about the issue and we never found out why.