VAR Editor Plugin

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Please give a brief description of what it is and how it works.

Re: VAR Editor Plugin

Postby cncdrive » Fri Mar 29, 2019 12:10 pm

If you want some help then you should first get off your high horse and explain your problem in an understandable format.
There is no need to assume things and to speculate, just state what is happening and what you expect to happen. State those clearly in an understandable format like:
1.) I'm doing this.
2.) I'm expecting this to happen.
3.) Instead this happens.
Also post your profile file with which my collegues can test your problem using your settings.

And the active probe message is because your probe input is active prior to executing the G31 probing command. The message appears because the controller sees the probe input to be active already before it started the probing operation and so it saves you from breaking the probe tool and to make a false measurement. If the input is already active then pushing the probe further would possibly break the probe tool and the measurement in this case would be unprecise.
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Re: VAR Editor Plugin

Postby Dan911 » Fri Mar 29, 2019 12:34 pm

jsim8909 wrote:No one can anwser me Why machine coords are wrong after probing? That the holy Grail of cnc and they are mishandled by these versions. And 1000s of people are struggling to figure out this non functioning probing software. I will make a video of the failure showing the outside probe x,y centering. it never makes it past 2 or 3 postions saying probe was activate canceling now. This message happens at an intended probe contacting point. Explain how thats not a firmware bug. And it not the same point every time. Where do I upload the proof so someone will believe what I am saying. And I want to be recognized for this being my 5th bug find from uccnc to date. I will provide the links for the other 4 with the video.

If you are going to participate in helping UCCNC grow faster by downloading "TEST" versions to test than you can expect to find bugs. If this is a problem than stick with stable releases, 1.2049 is the most recent.
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Re: VAR Editor Plugin

Postby jsim8909 » Fri Mar 29, 2019 1:55 pm

found it. Retraction speed too slow with my choice of feed rate. I had feed rate at 20% on the safe side. Probing doesn't function that slow because the tripped condition exist a short time during the retraction move. This tell controller probe trip in the retraction direction as well and routine fails. This is not a my fault problem. Firmware should be able to overcome this issue with an ignore a certain retraction distance/rearm sensor after retract = .2mm like 3d printers do during bed level probing. A simple addition to the firmware like that would eliminate false triggering or provide longer tripped condition allowance before error results. feed rate 4500 mm min x 20% fails. 4500 mm min x 50 works. I can only image this feed rate comes for stepper setting velocity on gen config page. So in the end being called a lair, trouble I don't know how to probe and provided no useful answers. Look like I was my own best resource once again. I'm sure this cause has come up before. I'm starting to think there is favoritism at play here in the forum!

Doesn't count as a bug find, but something definitely
needs addressing for speed control testing new probing routines.
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Re: VAR Editor Plugin

Postby RWC » Fri Mar 29, 2019 3:38 pm

Hi jsim8909.
I am currently looking into purchasing a touch probe and am following your experiences.
Can you tell me what manufacturer and type is your probe ?
Is it the resistive ? , make/break ?, strain gauge ?, or is it of the home made variety ?
This is my next step.

Re: VAR Editor Plugin

Postby jsim8909 » Sat Mar 30, 2019 12:13 am

I am getting perfect resulting using a pogo pin in collet. I use coil foil tape made for electric guitar magnetic insulation. adhesive 1 side, conductive on both. I cut a piece and place small wire on wood plastic, any non conductive stock I wana probe. wire goes to breakout board pin assigned to probe. pogo pin in collect complete ground. pogo pins are spring loaded test probes for robotic circuit testing. The probing routine doesn't even exercise the spring travel before reporting postion. This method eliminates backlash found using switching type probe. And copper and aluminum foil tape can be molded around any surface and releases easy with hair dryer. I have a multi axes switching probe but it has .1mm backlash and sometimes .07mm. not consistent. Pogo pins are $10.00 a hundred. break one and install another! for metal stock I place clear plastic wrap over vise jaws and alligator clip the wire to stock, works equally well. Also works for 3d digitizing twice as fast because controller does't have to look for switch re-closing. search amazon for pogo pins. 1.5mm drill bit and a plastic block and you have zero backlash limits for homing. Mine are never more than .002 mm between homing routines. It makes lost coords from power outages and broken tools a non issue. just rehome knowing your perfect in machine coords, now type in your x,y,z and your back perfectly.
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Re: VAR Editor Plugin

Postby jsim8909 » Sat Mar 30, 2019 12:19 am

to cncdrive, if you read my ost I stated that in a routine with 4 probing points 3 completed the 4th didn't. this proves probe wasn't active. it became active on 4th contact. retraction was too slow and it false triggered as z+ move started. and it was contact conductive like an end mill.

it happens 30% or slower 4500 mm min. at 50% it works correct.
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Re: VAR Editor Plugin

Postby cncdrive » Sat Mar 30, 2019 12:44 am

It can be 2 things:

1.) Resonance and false triggering or prell on the sensor output.
2.) Too slow response of the sensor output and so the controller still gets the probe active signal on the next probing event.
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Re: VAR Editor Plugin

Postby jsim8909 » Sat Mar 30, 2019 1:27 am

c10 breakboard or tiny filings on endmill tip. It's a vertical machining center so theres gonna be metal. I think I will switch to brass dowel pin for that reason. I think the c10 ver1 is fast enough. Although there has always been an issue with only being able to use inputs on 1 port with my uc400eth. no atter which port combo i try, I only get 5 inputs. both c10 boards work, but together uccnc will only allow inputs from 1 port. I can set them to port 1 or 2 not both. I can't set 2 inputs on port 1 and 3 on port 2 that doesn't work either. the fields revert to 0 when i press save. That the input only pins on c10 both port com = ground both pullup resist set. wierd.
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Re: VAR Editor Plugin

Postby ger21 » Sat Mar 30, 2019 2:00 am

the fields revert to 0 when i press save.

That means you are trying to use output pins as inputs. Which pins are reverting to 0?
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Re: VAR Editor Plugin

Postby cncdrive » Sat Mar 30, 2019 5:38 am

Check the manual of the UC400ETH for the pinout of the ports. There are 5 inputs on each ports. The UCCNC veryfies those settings and does not allow pins to be set to inputs which pins are outputs, because ofcourse that will not work, if you trying to set the wrong pin then the UCCNC nulls that setting out for you to let you see that your setting was wrong. It only allows input pins to be configured for input functions and it allows output pins to be configured for output functions.
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