Removing Jog panel

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Removing Jog panel

Postby TadasM » Sat Nov 12, 2016 7:58 pm


Is there a way to completely remove jog panel and bring all (needed) buttons to main window ("RUN") ?

At the moment I have few issues with buttons from jog panel. If I create new button on "RUN" layer and assign step dir 0.001 functions, the button do not have "ON" state (toggling ON, it activates step dir 0.001, but the button itself does not show the ON state). If I replace the original button in jog panel, the button does not have "pushed down" state, but it shows "ON" state once toggled.
Same with "jog feed % and other functions that are in jog panel - I can bring them to main "RUN" window.

State "UP" pic:
STEP_DIST_001_UP.png (3.85 KiB) Viewed 29063 times

State "DOWN" pic:
STEP_DIST_001_DOWN.png (5.24 KiB) Viewed 29063 times

To not create a new topic, I will ask here. As I'm not familiar with programming, how I can toggle on/off state of output 8 of port 3 ? I have installed some lights below the spindle and would like to control that with particular button. Now I have assigned to the "flood" button, and it works fine, but I would like to have a dedicated button just for the lights.

Thank You.
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Re: Removing Jog panel

Postby ger21 » Sat Nov 12, 2016 11:14 pm

Is there a way to completely remove jog panel

I thought there was, but it doesn't look like there is. But what you can do, in the screen editor, is set the jog screen to 1x1 pixels, with a 1 pixel tab size.
This will basically make it non existent.

I'd remove everything from it before doing this.
At the moment I have few issues with buttons from jog panel. If I create new button on "RUN" layer and assign step dir 0.001 functions, the button do not have "ON" state (toggling ON, it activates step dir 0.001, but the button itself does not show the ON state)

There was another thread about this, but it may have been at CNC Zone?
Those buttons were internally coded to only work on the jog tab. I posted a workaround in post #17 in this thread: ... state.html

To not create a new topic, I will ask here. As I'm not familiar with programming, how I can toggle on/off state of output 8 of port 3 ?

In the UCCNC\Documents folder, see Macro_capability_detailed.

Function: void Setoutpin(int portnumber, int pinnumber)

Description: This functions sets the selected output pin to high level.

Note: If a pin is called which is configured for a hardware function, for example to act as a step or direction pin will override this function.

Example: exec.Setoutpin(1, 2);

Function: void Clroutpin(int portnumber, int pinnumber)

Description: This functions sets the selected output pin to low level.

Note: If a pin is called which is configured for a hardware function, for example to act as a step or direction pin will override this function.

Example: exec.Clroutpin(1, 2);
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Re: Removing Jog panel

Postby TadasM » Sun Nov 13, 2016 10:06 am

Hi Gerry,

many thanx for explanation. For person who does not understand coding well enough - this workaround for "transferring" jog panel buttons to main screen is quite a difficult task. I wish that we had an option to remove that panel by standard UCCNC function :)

I read the macro manual. But I'm very basic user of C and this is somehow different of what Im familiar with :) I will give a shot, and will ask if no success.
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Re: Removing Jog panel

Postby Robertspark » Sun Nov 13, 2016 12:06 pm

... an easier way ..... (maybe .... says someone who's not done much sceenset editing in uccnc....)

is to
1) copy and save your existing screenset file (presume it's the default ones), I'd just copy and paste the folder and rename it to backup. .... that way you can always go back quickly....

2) open the screenset (Defaultscreenset.ssf) in a text editor like notepad++

3) change the language to c# (so it highlights the text and makes it more readable).

4) All the elements on the "jog" screen start with the name "AS3jog.xxxxx"

5) change the AS3jog.Setjogpaneltabsize(40); to AS3jog.Setjogpaneltabsize(1); (i.e 1 pixel wide).
edit: oh... and if you change AS3jog.Setscreensize(300, 692); to AS3jog.Setscreensize(1, 692); it will make the jog flyout 1 pixel wide (i.e.) it won't fly out....

6) you can either comment out all of the AS3jog.Loadpicture(xxx) comments using single line comments "//" or multi-line comments "/* ..... */"

Or, you can remove the "jog" part of the AS3jog.Loadpicture function...... but you will need to change the numeric part to something unique (higher) than the ASLoadpicture() function .... as they cannot have the same numbers.
AS3jog.Loadpicture("BMP/Defaultscreenset/plus_up.png", "BMP/Defaultscreenset/plus_down.png",22, false); in this case te "22" bit.

suggestion.... never tried it.... change it to say "322" ...... why..... the highest one I can see on my screenset is ~157.... hence 322 is a fair bit off....
Then all the other controls that reference these images can have a "3" added to them......

7) AS3Jog.Addbutton () is the same as the above.... although this time you want to remove the "jog" bit, and you want to change the "22" bit to 322 (as above) and you want to change the "1" at the end to the chosen screen tab you want the button to show up on ...... and you want to change the "159" part appears to be a unique number ref, so you can leave that alone....
AS3jog.Addbutton(112, 413, 36, 36, false, false, 22, 159, 1);

8) then do the same with all the other AS3Jog objects......

9) then as you progress through, open up uccnc and use the screen editor on whichever tab you decided to move the objects to to move them around and resize them with the grips and or delete them as you may not want some of them copied across (or want them on another tab..... hence change the tab number).

10) it will be slow but maybe quicker than adding new objects along with all their referenced images to a particular screenset.

.... just a suggestion of how I'd look at it.... probably a long way around....

Also note that the screensets are particular to the motion controller you have (i.e. if you have a UC400 you only need to edit the UC400 bit, hence the file xxxx.ssf looks huge but it's actually not that large to what is specific to your requirements)

Looking at my default SSF file, UC400 starts at line 11,608 to 14,451 ok a few thousand lines..... although most of them are nothing to do with AS3jog functions..... hence can be ignored.

Same for the UC300 etc etc.
Last edited by Robertspark on Sun Nov 13, 2016 12:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Removing Jog panel

Postby Robertspark » Sun Nov 13, 2016 12:18 pm

Within the screenset SSF file.....

if you comment out this function:
UCCNC.AS3interfaceClass AS3jog = mainform.AS3jog;

And all the AS3jog functions your tab won't appear [and hopefully the screenset won't crash either]

you can also try to comment out

and AS3jog.Setscreensize(300, 692);
first and the jog tab may disappear despite all the AS3jog functions remaining too....

Hence first rule of modification..... take a backup so you can over-write and restore to start again..... and you should take incremental backups as it worked well so if it does all of a sudden crash you can either fall back to the last backup and just overwrite whatever you did and try again or edit for a refix.
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Re: Removing Jog panel

Postby Robertspark » Sun Nov 13, 2016 12:30 pm

....layer number "2" is the run layer (tab) so if you are moving buttons to that layer change their layer reference to "2"

the AS3jog layer number is number "1" although there is a AS3 layer "1" too which is the "base" layer.... i.e if you put anything on it it will appear on every tab.... (the buttons down the right hand side (offline mode, cycle start, single line, feedhold etc and the cncDrive logo are on layer "1" ..... hence if moving stuff you probably don't want to just delete the jog part of the AS3jog function or they will appear on every layer.
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Re: Removing Jog panel

Postby ger21 » Sun Nov 13, 2016 12:48 pm

... an easier way ..... (maybe .... says someone who's not done much sceenset editing in uccnc....)

No. My way is easier because you only have to change 3 numbers in the screen editor to "1".
I personally think that it's easier to just create new buttons on whatever layer you want them on. Create one, then use the copy option. Move them into place, and change their button and picture numbers. That's my preference.

if you comment out this function:
UCCNC.AS3interfaceClass AS3jog = mainform.AS3jog;

And all the AS3jog functions your tab won't appear [and hopefully the screenset won't crash either]

I tried removing this, and found that if you did further editing, and saved the screen, the tab page came back. (That was going to be my original answer)
So this doesn't work.
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Re: Removing Jog panel

Postby ger21 » Sun Nov 13, 2016 12:52 pm

For person who does not understand coding well enough - this workaround for "transferring" jog panel buttons to main screen is quite a difficult task.

The jog increment buttons are the only 4 buttons that this applies to. You don't have to write code for any of the others.
When they originally wrote UCCNC, there was no screen designer, and they didn't think that anyone would ever put those buttons somewhere else, so they coded them differently internally.

Fwiw, I have about 250 buttons in my screen that I have to code in a similar fashion, so I can use a checkbox that looks different. :o
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Re: Removing Jog panel

Postby ger21 » Sun Nov 13, 2016 1:07 pm

OK, I've added the macros for you. The forum only allows 3/post, so one will be in the next message.
Create your 4 new buttons, and number them as follows:

Jog increment 0.001 = #20001
Jog increment 0.01 = #20002
Jog increment 0.10 = #20003
Jog increment 1.00 = #20004

Place the 4 macros in your UCCNC\Profile\Macro_profilename\ folder.
The 4 buttons will then work just like they do on the jog page.
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Last edited by ger21 on Sun Nov 13, 2016 1:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Removing Jog panel

Postby ger21 » Sun Nov 13, 2016 1:08 pm

4th macro attached.
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