macro or macroloop speed test

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macro or macroloop speed test

Postby Battwell » Sun Sep 23, 2018 12:25 pm

playing with timers today i wrote the following code to test my macroloop for my control panel
it can be set as ticks, nanoseconds or milliseconds (just read ticks is fastest)
now i can see on screen exactly how long a button press etc takes (you have to wait for uccnc to display the status message)
my macroloop for my panel takes 0 ticks running if nothing is being pressed showing there are no delays! uccnc is extremely fast!
rem out the status message after testing. //

double time1 = ((DateTime.Now.Ticks)/1); // nanoseconds from tick=/100. ms = /1000;
//exec.AddStatusmessage ("start Time: "+ time1);
// macroloop code here

// at end of code paste this
double time2 = ((DateTime.Now.Ticks)/1); //time in ticks;
double runtime=(time2-time1);
exec.AddStatusmessage ("Elapsed Time ( in ticks) : "+ runtime );
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