Plasma project reaching the wiring stage and need a sanity check on my I/O connections. I figured this would be the best place to post a question even though it's not UCCNC-specific.
Automation Tech KL-5080H drives (4/ea - X, Y/A slaved, Z)
Neuron Lite THC w/ohmic + float
Looking for a critique for the basic e-stop, limit, and motor drive connectionis to UB1. Condensed diagram attached, as well as drive manual.
1. Estop is conventional latching NC mushroom. UCCNC Estop assigned to P1-P2
2. Limits are NC microswitches. UCCNC axis limits assigned to P1-P15
3. Drive(s) - Alarm/fault acts as NC switch. NOT-fault state is low impedance (closed), fault state is high impedance (open).
4. Drive(s) - Drive enabled when ENA+ receives 24VDC. ENA- to 0VDC. Drive disabled when 24VDC to ENA+ is stopped. UCCNC axis enable assigned to P3-P1
5. UB1 OSSD solder bridges - will bridge X104 through X107 for all four drive ALM+ pins
6. Z-limit microswitch is connected to Neuron controller as a home switch. Not connected to UB1. All Z-axis signals other than ALM are handled by Neuron.
1. Estop button signals UCCNC of reset condition
2. Any limit switch opening signals UCCNC of reset condition
3. Any drive going in to alarm state signals UCCNC of reset condition
4. Any reset condition disables all drives
Second question:
I have a breakaway torch mount with an NC microswitch. I can add this to the OSSD safety circuit on X108, or I could connect to a standard input to signal a feed-hold.
Opinions on triggering reset vs. feedhold - i.e. what is the reality of re-mounting the torch and continuing the cut after a breakaway event?
All comments welcome.