Hi Good day,
I just recently installed AXBB-e motion control and UCCNC software but can`t get the spindle to turn.
The VFD gets the correct signal from the AXBB-e but the spindle won`t turn.
I measured the voltage from AO1/5V0 and it is 0V when Spindle Speed is 0 and 10.2V when spindle speed at maximum.
X1 forward (M3) connected to port 1 pin 3 and X2 reverse connected to port1 pin 4
If I just set the F001=0 (Control mode:Keyboard) I can turn the spindle by pressing the run button on the VFD then control the speed through UCCNC software.
But if I set the F001=1 (External control) the signal (correct frequency Hz) is being received by the VFD but the spindle is not turning on.
Has anyone experienced this kind of issue? How did you solved it?
Thank you always.