Yesterday, 20 Dec 2024 I picked up my brand new UCR201 remote pendant - today I want to return it! I simply cannot get it to work due to "No connection to receiver" issues. Apart from reinstalling UCCNC which I do not want to do unnecessarily, I have tried all of the below.
1) Tried multiple USB ports on PC
2) Multiple configurations in setup software - Channel 1 - 8
3) Recommended RF callibration (emerg + home + GotoZero) from 1 - 15
4) Reboot
5) New batteries
The green light on the USB device lights up, the plugin window suggests that a connection has been made (image attached) and my PC is recognising the USB device (image attached) but still no connection. My PC is about 400mm away from the controller with no obstructions.
Can this be that complex that all the above have not worked?? Please help. It is urgent as I have a limited time to return the unit.