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Newbie fighting with axbb-e and spindle control

Sat Dec 14, 2024 2:30 am
by divergeek
I have read a lot of posts and I’m still fighting with spindle control and the axbb-e.
Please forgive me for being new at building cnc’s, I inherited this one from a friend who passed away and it was working at the previous location, but i apparently broke it somehow in the move.
Using the axbb-e with an HY02D211B.
Using 2 relays connected to port 1 pin 7 to vfd FOR and port 1 pin 8 to vfd REV
Ao1 to vi
Jumper set to vi on vfd
5v0 to acm
24v0 to dcm
Pd 001 to 1
Pd 002 to 1
I can hear the relays trip when CW or CCW signals are sent
But getting no signs of life from spindle
I’m reading 24.7vdc between for and dcm, and 24.7vdc between rev and DCM
I tried using a 24/5 buck converter, and finally just a usb cable to give 5 volt to axbb-e
I unplugged everything except wires for spindle with no change
Analog output set to ao1
Pwm settings for spindle are port 1 pin 7 & 8 and relay control set to port 1 pin 7 & 8 respectively.
Any help will be greatly appreciated
Re: Newbie fighting with axbb-e and spindle control

Sat Dec 14, 2024 11:13 pm
by divergeek
So I finally figured out the spindle not starting properly was due to a grounding issue.
I removed the relays and its starting properly.
Pwm settings for spindle are port 1 pin 7 FOR & 8 REV and relay control set to port 1 pin 7 FOR & 8 REV respectively.
Still have a few questions I need help with.
I am not getting any PWM control even tough the jumper for AO1 has been removed.
Analog output set to ao1.
Is it normal to need to have relay control enabled if not using a relay?
Does this disable PWM?
I have no output voltage from AO1 to VI checked between VI and ACM on VFD.
My spindle is only spinning up to 9000 RPM even though on manual control it goes to 24000.
Re: Newbie fighting with axbb-e and spindle control

Sat Dec 14, 2024 11:30 pm
by cncdrive
Relay control is needed for the VFD, however it works even without using relays with the outputs connected to the VFD inputs directly.
The PWM you can control with the S keyword via g-code program or MDI, like S24000, but before that you have to enable the spindle with M3 or M4.
Re: Newbie fighting with axbb-e and spindle control

Sun Dec 29, 2024 10:11 pm
by divergeek
Took a break from the CNC for the holidays and when I came back it's still not responding to PWM signals.
With the axbb-e jumper on I get 1 volt max, off I get .5 max when measured at the VFD Vi and ground terminals.
I can start and stop the spindle via UCCNC with m3 and m4 commands. If I send a s12000 command to raise the spindle speed the spindle spins down to 0 then right back to 8000 RPM's according to the VFD.
Diagnostics shows as rise on analog 1 but the output voltage does not fluctuate.
HY02D211B VFD settings are as follows
Jumper is set to vi
Re: Newbie fighting with axbb-e and spindle control

Mon Dec 30, 2024 5:54 am
by cncdrive
In the spindle settings set the PWM min. setting to 0%, the max setting to 100%.
Then set the min speed to 0 and then max speed to 24000.
Then programming M3S0 should output 0Volts and programming M3S24000 should output 10Volts or 5Volts depending on the jumper of the AXBB-E.
Verify if these works with a multimeter voltage measuring between the analog output of the AXBB-E and the 5V0 of the AXBB-E.
If it does not work then try to disconnect the analog output of the AXBB-E from the VFD analog input and try to measure this way too.
Let us know the results.
Re: Newbie fighting with axbb-e and spindle control

Thu Jan 02, 2025 3:26 am
by divergeek
I unhooked the wires from AO1 and 5V0 to the spindle and tested the output voltage to these pins when I sent S24000 via MDI.
I got 5.25 volts with jumper off on controller, and 10.23 volts with jumper on.
I left the jumper on and when I send the command even with the wires still unhooked the spindle shuts off when the power hits 1.5 volts output from AO1. You can not restart the spindle until the unit is completely powered off.
When the spindle shuts off in diagnostics pin 8 port 1indicator just flashes quickly.
I'm currently using a 24vdc 3.2 amp power supply. Is this enough amperage to run the Axbb-e?
Originally the CNC came with a Mach 3 USB controller and the manufacturer provided 2 of these power supplies with the kit.
Re: Newbie fighting with axbb-e and spindle control

Fri Jan 10, 2025 11:42 pm
by divergeek
Can someone post a screen shot of their working Spindle PWM and IO settings in UCCNC for an Axbb-E? I'm getting closer to sorting this problem out, but need a sanity check on settings.
Re: Newbie fighting with axbb-e and spindle control

Wed Feb 26, 2025 9:41 am
by helendam
divergeek wrote:Can someone post a screen shot of their working Spindle PWM and IO settings in UCCNC for an Axbb-E? I'm getting closer to sorting this problem out, but need a sanity check on settings.
me too
Re: Newbie fighting with axbb-e and spindle control

Fri Feb 28, 2025 3:47 am
by cncdrive
I think you should measure the signals in my opinion.
The start signal on the VFD is usually active low which means that when the voltage is 0Volts on the VFD start input pin is when the VFD starts the spindle, but only if the analog signal voltage level is above the treshold for the minimal spindle speed.