Ok. I've got my machine up and running - it was a mild uphill-struggle with a few bits and pieces, but it successfully ran it's first fusion360 generated G-Code yesterday.
what I don't get is this:
on the MAIN Screen:
there's a "CHANGE TOOL" button.... I can enter a tool number and tap on CHANGE TOOL...
but what exactly does this suppose to do?? It does NOT seem to load the corresponding tool offset... so I have to go and manually MDI enter the G43Hxx command to load the tool number.
so what's the point of the "CHANGE TOOL" button?
I ask mostly because of two aspects:
PROBING... I've stored my manual 3D probe as tool #96... and of course the probe has an offset of it's own...
OR when I want to use the mill in "manual" mode"
from what I can tell, clicking on "Change tool" does exactly nothing...