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API -> NextID in AddCircularMove

PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2023 10:39 am
by fpbfpb

"NextID is the ID of the next command for proper stop and restart on the end of the arc"

what do we need to specify the next command in circular move and not in linear move ?


Re: API -> NextID in AddCircularMove

PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2023 1:19 pm
by fpbfpb
"Why do we need..." not "what"

Re: API -> NextID in AddCircularMove

PostPosted: Sat Feb 18, 2023 6:25 am
by cncdrive
It is because if the motion stops at the very end of an arc and then restarted then as the arc is defined as an endpoint therefor on next start the arc will be wrong, then it will be a full circle.
To overcome this issue you have to specify the next command, so the API can jump to the next command if the arc is stopped on the endpoint.