Zeroing machine coordinates
Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 2:44 pm
I've just built a new machine and I'm working on getting it set up. My final hurdle is enabling the software limits. I've set up each axis with its limits but whenever I enable the software limits the program says its now stopped because I've reached a software limit. The problem is the machine coordinates think its far away from where it actually is. I have each axis set up with a home switch with the front left corner of the machine X0,Y0. When the machine is homed, I checked the machine coordinates and they are not X0, Y0. They're -200 something. This is far outside the range I've specified for the software limits so, obviously when I enable software limits I get the shutdown. How do I zero machine coordinates? I need my home switch locations to me machine X0, Y0. Forgive me if this is a stupid question. I'm sure there is a simple solution for someone who is a trained machinist, but I am just a novice.
I've just built a new machine and I'm working on getting it set up. My final hurdle is enabling the software limits. I've set up each axis with its limits but whenever I enable the software limits the program says its now stopped because I've reached a software limit. The problem is the machine coordinates think its far away from where it actually is. I have each axis set up with a home switch with the front left corner of the machine X0,Y0. When the machine is homed, I checked the machine coordinates and they are not X0, Y0. They're -200 something. This is far outside the range I've specified for the software limits so, obviously when I enable software limits I get the shutdown. How do I zero machine coordinates? I need my home switch locations to me machine X0, Y0. Forgive me if this is a stupid question. I'm sure there is a simple solution for someone who is a trained machinist, but I am just a novice.