by formantjim » Fri Jan 10, 2025 6:45 pm
OK I know this an old post but I'm stuck.
I have an ETH 300 and like Matt he got a little confused but managed to get it working.
Anyway I have the Spindle set to PWM no port or pin allocated as I'm using the 0 to 10V output. I have set PWM frequency to 3000 and the the RPM's 3000. I have the digital outputs controlling the RUN/STOP and REVERSE relays connected to the drive those work as expected. I've assigned PWM to Analogue Output 1, in MDI I select S3000 ad Hit CW but no voltage appears between ground and Pin 14, I was expecting 10 Volts. If I go to the DIAG tab and look at the Analogue output monitor I see a umber 65520 not sure what this means.
Selecting other umbers like S1000 I get a different value in the Analogue Output monitor box but no volts out of Pin 14 any ideas what I'm doing wrong?