MR-J4-A servo driver forward / reverse pulse input

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MR-J4-A servo driver forward / reverse pulse input

Postby sketch » Sat Feb 03, 2024 3:37 pm

I have some MR-J4-40A and MR-J4-70A AC servo drivers that I would like to use on a CNC machine. I have UCCNC with an AXBB-E controller. Firstly, does anyone have experience with using this lineup of drivers with UCCNC?

From the datasheet, the drivers take a "forward" and "reverse" pulse train for movement, which I understand to be different to a traditional "step / direction" interface

Is it possible to configure UCCNC to work with a pin for "step forward" and a pin for "step reverse"?

Manual for reference, page 3-38 ... 07engt.pdf

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Re: MR-J4-A servo driver forward / reverse pulse input

Postby cncdrive » Sat Feb 03, 2024 3:45 pm


No, UCCNC can't output CW/CCW pulse trains, it can only output step/direction signals.
The easiest way would be probably to put a microcontroller or Arduino between the step/dir lines and the CW/CCW lines of the servo drives.
So, the Arduino could read the step/dir signals and convert them to CW/CCW signals.
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Re: MR-J4-A servo driver forward / reverse pulse input

Postby sketch » Sat Feb 03, 2024 3:55 pm

Thanks for the quick response, however, I was hoping you wouldn't give that answer! My AC servo drivers use 24v logic, so I was hoping to use the isolated outputs.

That said, an "arduino" style microcontroller coupled with some diodes and transistors wouldn't be too hard to put together (I hope!)
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Re: MR-J4-A servo driver forward / reverse pulse input

Postby sketch » Sat Feb 03, 2024 5:49 pm

Thought I'd paste this screen shot I saw through MR Configurator2 - in case anyone finds this.

It appears you can actually tell the servo driver to work in step/direction mode - "pulse train + sign".


(Driver --> Parameter --> Position control --> Input Status)

Reading from the AXBB-E datasheet, it should be more than capable of outputting at the required speeds
Port#1 pins 2. to 8. are isolated outputs. These outputs contain high speed 10Mbit/sec optocouplers and an N-channel Mosfet transistors

Ideally I need 8 ports, as I am running 2x Y axis motors. I don't have the expansion card, but I will get that to get additional 24v isolated output. In the mean time, I can share the "direction" port for the Y axis motors.

From the UCSB manual
There is a total of 12 optically isolated outputs on the UCSB board.
All outputs are electrically identical and all of them using high speed 10Mbits/sec optocouplers and
an N-channel power Mosfet with 50Volts voltage and 2Ampers current rating.
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