Need help tuning these drives. I replaced the original drives on a machine, leaving the original motors. Originally the motion was smooth and quiet. With the new drives the motion is not not quiet. The tuning and response look OK, but when jogging the axes, they produce noise which doesn't seem normal. Only one axis (Z) works smooth, may be due to the huge load.
Also, the encoders are 2500ppr, but no matter how stiff I tune the drive, I can rotate the motor axis by a couple of degrees each direction (5 degrees total), without the motor even trying to compensate. The software shows +-40 counts error. In this margin of +-40 counts I can leave the motor anywhere and it won't return back to 0. This is not normal! This is the first time I am using these drives, so I don't know if this is something normal with these, never seen such behavior.
Can anyone from the support guys take over my PC and remotely try to help with this? I am feeling stuck, well, unless it's normal with these.