Hi Rob,
Currently there is no DRO for the travel distance.
The path traveled is not really the sum of the axis. Take a simple example that axis X and Y travels one-one unit the same time, e.g. cords are X0 Y0 and G0 X1 Y1 is executed,
then X and Y both traveled 1 units, so the sum of that is 2units, however the path traveled by the tool is only about 1.414 units.
The travel values in the Statistics window are basicly to know when an axis has to be maintaned, those values are not the vectorial distance sum of the path, but the distances moved by each axis shown separately.
The stop with decceleration is made if the Stop button code is called, in this case the axis is stopped using the decceleration settings and stopping with deccelerating down to 0 speed.
The other case is when the machine is stopped instant, this happens when the reset condition occurs, the reset button code is called by button call or by a limit or e-stop input.
The machine moves back to the stopped position only when in THC mode and when an arcOK signal is lost, it does not move back to the stop position in any other cases.
The stopping with decceleration we think is a must when pressing Stop, because stopping instant when a machine travels with high speed is very risky can be destructive to the mechanics and can cause lost steps with open loop steppers.
We are used to build large scale machines in the range of about 500kgs to 5tons with many meters of workspaces.
We built machines where the moving gantry had around one ton of weight and you can guess stopping that axis instantly when it travels with rapid is not very healthy to the machine mechanics.
Ofcourse it has to stop on reset as fast as possible, but not when it is simply commanded to stop.
And stopping instant is a must if a reset event happens since that is an emergency event when the machine must stop as soon as possible, possibly immediately and then it is adviced to re-home the machine if it has open loop control system.