Hi Terry,
Yes, I got your email sorry for not replying yet, I just got to check it out.
The issue in the code which you have sent is that you calling the button 130 in the beginning of the macro which is the Stop button call,
which basicly tells the UCCNC to stop the macro execution, is sets the macrostop variable to false and so the question function no more works,
It internally generates an exception which you see and it is because the answer string is then empty, so it will not convert to double.
I will check how this could be changed...
For now you could put the Question in a try/catch so then it will not generate a visible exception.
And you should not call the Stop button in the beginning, because it tells the software to stop code execution including the macro which is currently being executed.
And I will check why it does not accept negative numbers.
But again you could do your own try/catch to catch and not to show the internal error, so you could temporarily fix it with the TextQuestion and then try to convert it to double and handle the exception if the input was not a number.