Stop at angle degrees:viewtopic.php?f=4&t=830suggested change in text {open to forum review + discussion in light of the above thread a correction to the manual is recommended + suggested correction if you've got a better way of writing it}
Stop at angle degrees: This parameter works only in Constant Velocity mode (G64) is active. The parameter is in degrees and is a physical angle of interconnection between motion segments where motion will decelerate to a stop and then accelerate back up to the defined feedrate for the next motion segment in order that a tight corner is formed where the angle of interconnection between line segments is greater than the set parameter. The parameter setting is from 0º to 180º, where if 0º is set, motion will always decelerate & accelerate between the interconnecting motion segments, given the segments always have an angle greater than 0º, and where set to 180º motion will never decelerate & accelerate between the interconnecting motion segments. Note, on inside corners where motion is set to decelerate & accelerate above the interconnecting angle the rounding of the corner will be limited by the tool radius. Where the stop angle is less than the set angle and motion does not decelerate, stop and accelerate between motion segments, the rounding of the segment interconnection will be set by the corner error max parameter and will be a combination of the axis acceleration setting and corner error max parameters which potentially reduce the feedrate by decelerating through the corner to maintain the corner error max parameter setting.