Loading profile

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Loading profile

Postby Delco » Tue Nov 14, 2023 12:26 am

Hi , its not a new bug but its a bug still in V2.116
When loading a profile the software shuts down saying loading with a serial number BUT that serial number is off the original profile not the new machine I am trying to configure . It will not load unfortunately - is there a setting to turn this off .
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Re: Loading profile

Postby dezsoe » Tue Nov 14, 2023 7:25 am

There is no serial number in the profile. When you load a profile the program reads the serial number of the current connected device and restarts using the same device. This is how it has to do it, so it's not a bug. If you have more profiles and more motion controllers then create a shortcut to UCCNC with /p profilename /s serialnumber to start the wanted profile and motion controller. See: how to create shortcut.
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Re: Loading profile

Postby Delco » Tue Nov 14, 2023 7:42 am

Cant we get a prompt to remove the /serial number if we need to . It never used to be there in older versions
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Re: Loading profile

Postby dezsoe » Tue Nov 14, 2023 8:04 am

No, this is how it has to work.

You didn't have it in old versions, because the whole profile loading was wrong. When it was developed there were no plugins. Since there are plugins the load profile was bad, because the plugins did not reload so they read their parameters from the original profile while you switched to another. (An extreme example: you load your metric profile and then switch to your imperial one. The probing plugin loaded its parameters from the metric profile: and now a 5 mm movement is not exactly the same as a 5"...)

As I wrote: it restarts using the same motion controller that it was connected before. If you could connect it first time then you'll be able to do it again. Use shortcuts and you'll never switch profile again.

I tried out the load profile function many years ago and found that it needs a lot of clicks instead of just a double click on the desktop. I've never used it again. It got back to focus when I realized that many of you run into problems because of switching profiles, so it had to be fixed and it works now as it has to work.
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Re: Loading profile

Postby Delco » Tue Nov 14, 2023 8:34 am

Could it not read the current serial number and use that instead of the serial number in the profile , I can never see a reason to need anything other than the current serial number .
I use the same laptop to setup customer machines and load a profile that works and then modify to suit , having to have a shortcut on the desktop for 10 profiles and 20 licenses is a big matrix. When I save the final customer profile I save it with a new name and a shortcut so they dont have the issue.
But I might flick through 5 or 6 profiles to get the one closest to the current setup and its frustrating as it is.
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Re: Loading profile

Postby dezsoe » Tue Nov 14, 2023 9:18 am

I can't understand what's your problem with the serial number. If you have only one motion controller then it will always connect to that one. (Also, if you run it in demo mode then you don't have to select the demo controller again: in demo mode instead of the serial number the demo device is the parameter using the /d switch.)

It is included because you may run multiple instances of UCCNC on the same PC connected to different motion controllers. Also, you may have more motion controllers on the same network, so it should connect to the same controller using a different profile when you load a profile.
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