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Laser control

PostPosted: Sun Mar 14, 2021 12:31 pm
by MikeC
Sorry this may be down to my own ignorance.

I've recently switched from grbl to using UCCNC with a UC400eth. I have a diode laser attached to the CNC and i am using Lighburn to output gcode which i am then manually editing to use the M10Qxx and M11 commands. After some experimenting this is working pretty well. AS well as this i can control the laser using commands in the MDI.

However after completing a gcode file output using fusion360 with their UCCNC post for the router the laser stops responding to the M10 and M11 commands and only comes on full with an M3 command there is no response to M10 or M11 commands. This is fixed by restarting UCCNC. Is there an explanation for this behaviour I am missing?

Many Thanks

Re: Laser control

PostPosted: Sun Mar 14, 2021 2:13 pm
by cncdrive
The M3 is an enable signal for the M10/11.

Re: Laser control

PostPosted: Sun Mar 14, 2021 2:24 pm
by MikeC
Hi yes, I believe I am using it that way correctly. But this is the behaviour I get.

Using the MDI:
Usual behaviour: M3 turns power on full so use M3M11 to activate. Then I can use M10Qxx to set to a low power to indicate laser position then M5 to disable.

If my gcode I am essentially using the same regime.

However after running a milling operation from fusion360 the laser will now come on full with M3 but there is no response to the m10 or m11 commands.

I may just have my config wrong if the usual behaviour I’m seeing is not correct.

Many thanks