Having some issues with my DIY water jet that really doesn't make sense and I am curious if you guys can give me any feedback or anything I can try. Currently the steps per in are near perfect to within a few thou. If I cut a square the part dimensions are perfect. However I am cutting a bracket for a customer that is roughly 12.75" by about 3" at its widest and 2" wide at its narrowest. The part has large radius on every edge and bolt holes in the middle. Also the part grows about .125" on the long side and a little on the short sides. I am using sheet cam for my gcode and worked with Les to test a few things and everything came out perfect on the gcode side. Tried abs and inc arcs as well as arc line segments with no change. I have a test part that is correct dimensions that was cut on a pro water jet. if I run the gantry again the end stop and move it the exact length of the part I can put the part in between the carriage and the end-stop and its perfect.
Things I have also tried:
Switching to metric units
I've used both mach3 and uccnc (both sae and metric on both)
abs vs incremental arcs ( I think i did it properly)
line segment arcs
MP1000 THC post (same on I use on my plasma without any issues)
replaced gear rack and gears with different brand in case there was issues
Gantry runs very smoothly, 46v, mx4660, uc400eth to a laptop. Same laptop make and model I use for the plasma without issues
I have a uc400eth on my plasma table that uses the exact same laptop as I am using on this and it has no issues. I might try and swap the uc400 but will only be able to test with mach3.